

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-18 13:02

  本文選題:小城鎮(zhèn) + 景觀規(guī)劃設計。 參考:《西北農(nóng)林科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, China's small towns are also undergoing earth-shaking changes. With the continuous development of small towns, landscape design of small towns has gradually become a hot spot in landscape industry. However, in the process of development, the loss of traditional culture and the destruction of ecological landscape have to hurt people secretly. China is rich in land, rich in traditional history and culture, different regions have different characteristics of culture, and local culture is the most representative of regional differences and local customs cultural elements. With the economic development of small towns and the transformation of the original social relations, the design concept of the landscape of small towns also needs more in-depth changes in order to adapt to the development and changes of the times. How to combine the local cultural elements with the landscape planning and design of small towns is the focus of this paper. In view of this background, through the research of the concept of small town and landscape planning and design, this paper comprehensively analyzes the two basic forms of local culture, and obtains the principles and objectives of landscape planning and design of small town from the perspective of local culture protection. The application steps of landscape planning and design of small towns are put forward. By digging deeply the regional cultural characteristics and exploring the local cultural landscape elements with characteristics, the landscape of small towns has its own unique value and the cohesion of culture is enhanced. Enhance people's identity with the landscape. Taking Yangjiabu landscape as a practical case, this paper analyzes and summarizes the experience and practice, and provides a reference for the landscape planning and design of small towns from the perspective of local culture protection. The landscape planning and design of small towns should not only be based on respect for nature, but also include human spiritual experiences and excavations in order to continue the local historical context and traditional culture. Maintain local characteristics. Through the protection and application of local culture to achieve emotional exchanges with people so that small towns become a comfortable living environment simple cultural atmosphere rational social construction and unique humanistic value of the unity.


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