

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-18 04:48

  本文選題:中國地景文化 + 長安六爻 ; 參考:《西安建筑科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Xi'an is the longest city in the history of China. However, with the rapid development of the city in recent years, the style and features of the ancient city are seriously damaged and the characteristics of the city gradually disappear. From the angle of Chinese landscape culture, this paper chooses the natural form of Changan city in Sui and Tang dynasties as the research object, and combs the vicissitudes of the six lines of Xi'an urban development. This paper demonstrates the cultural connotation of landscape and the value of cultural heritage of the six lines of Chang'an, and holds that the six lines of Chang'an have the value of displaying the cultural characteristics of Xi'an city. On the basis of relevant case studies, this paper puts forward the ideas and methods of protection and display of Changan six lines. First of all, based on the study of the relevant historical data and documents of the six lines of Chang'an in Sui and Tang dynasties, the author thinks that the six lines of Chang'an have the connotation of Chinese traditional culture and constitute the framework of the planning and layout of Changan City in the Sui and Tang dynasties. It not only enriches the spatial changes of the city, but also endows the artificial construction project with spiritual significance, which is an important part of the Changan City in the Sui and Tang dynasties. On this basis, the relationship between the changes of Xi'an city and the six lines of Chang'an after Sui and Tang dynasties is combed, and the relationship between the urban development and the six lines of Chang'an is divided into four stages: the Sui and Tang dynasties-the period of being used; Song ~ Jianguo-forgotten period; Jianguo's 90's-light exploitation and utilization period-the period of large-scale destruction and gradually paid attention to at the same time. Then, by investigating the status quo of "Changan six lines" on the spot, and making relevant evaluation and classification research, this paper compares the position of "Changan six lines" in the city and its influence on the urban spatial distribution in Sui and Tang dynasties, compared with the contemporary "Changan six lines" in the city. It is considered that Xi'an has entered a period of rapid development since the 1990s, and the contradiction between "Changan six lines" and urban development is increasingly prominent, and the damage is more serious. But at the same time, there are some better ways to deal with them. In 2005, Xi'an Manifesto raised the importance of environmental protection to a new height, which provides a new opportunity for the study and protection of "Changan six lines". In the end, some ideas and methods for the protection and display of Changan six-line are put forward through the research of relevant cases at home and abroad.


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