

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-18 09:40

  本文選題:虛擬機管理 + 故障檢測。 參考:《東南大學》2016年碩士論文

【摘要】:在云計算環(huán)境下,隨著企業(yè)對主機服務器數(shù)量和質(zhì)量需求的不斷提升,對于高配置主機的單一利用,極大浪費了硬件資源,造成企業(yè)開發(fā)成本增加,于是利用虛擬化技術實現(xiàn)物理資源的邏輯劃分來提高物理資源利用率已經(jīng)成為一種發(fā)展趨勢,但是對于虛擬化產(chǎn)生的數(shù)量龐大的虛擬機管理難度也在不斷增加。針對上述問題,本文設計并實現(xiàn)了基于SAN環(huán)境的虛擬資源管理系統(tǒng)(Virtual Resource Management System, VRMS),該系統(tǒng)利用虛擬化技術實現(xiàn)了物理主機的虛擬化,以充分利用物理機資源,并針對虛擬機實現(xiàn)一系列的管理操作,保證虛擬機的運行安全。主要工作如下:(1)設計VRMS虛擬資源管理系統(tǒng)整體結構,通過分析VRMS要達到的主要功能將其抽象成模塊,并按照模塊設計實現(xiàn)。(2)設計故障檢測策略,及時判斷主機和虛擬機的健康狀態(tài)。對于發(fā)生故障的主機,快速并且均衡遷移其上面的虛擬機到其他正常主機,以保證虛擬機上運行的服務能夠正常運行,最大程度地減小因機器故障帶來的影響。(3)基于全量備份、增量備份和差異備份三種技術,實現(xiàn)對于虛擬機數(shù)據(jù)的備份和還原功能,通過交叉配合使用不同的備份方式,充分發(fā)揮各種備份技術的優(yōu)點,用戶根據(jù)自己對于虛擬機的狀態(tài)保存設定進行及時備份,當虛擬機不慎損毀時,利用備份文件還原到以前某個狀態(tài),避免重新安裝的時間和人力消耗。綜上所述,本論文設計并實現(xiàn)了VRMS虛擬資源管理系統(tǒng),通過測試與驗證,該系統(tǒng)能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)物理主機的虛擬化功能,充分使用物理硬件資源,同時實現(xiàn)了對于虛擬機的管理操作,方便用戶控制虛擬機的運行狀態(tài),保障虛擬機的安全。
[Abstract]:In the cloud computing environment, with the increasing demand for the quantity and quality of the host server, the single utilization of the high configuration host greatly wastes the hardware resources and increases the development cost of the enterprise. Therefore, using virtualization technology to achieve logical partition of physical resources to improve the utilization of physical resources has become a trend, but for virtualization of a large number of virtual machine management difficulties are also increasing. In view of the above problems, this paper designs and implements a virtual resource management system based on San environment, Virtual Resource Management system (VRMSM), which realizes the virtualization of physical hosts by using virtualization technology to make full use of the resources of physical computers. A series of management operations are implemented for the virtual machine to ensure the running security of the virtual machine. The main work is as follows: 1) designing the whole structure of VRMS virtual resource management system, abstracting it into modules by analyzing the main functions of VRMS, and designing fault detection strategy according to module design. Judge the health status of host and virtual machine in time. For malfunctioning hosts, quickly and equitably migrate the virtual machines above them to other normal hosts to ensure that the services running on the virtual machines can run normally and minimize the impact caused by machine failures. Incremental backup and differential backup realize the backup and restore function of virtual machine data, and make full use of the advantages of all kinds of backup technology by cross-matching different backup methods. When the virtual machine is damaged, the backup file is used to restore to a previous state to avoid the time and labor consumption of reinstallation. To sum up, this paper designs and implements VRMS virtual resource management system. Through testing and verification, the system can realize the virtualization function of physical host, make full use of physical hardware resources, and realize the management operation of virtual machine. It is convenient for users to control the running state of virtual machine and ensure the security of virtual machine.


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8 張逢U,




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