

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-20 01:04

  本文選題:趙松庭 + 竹笛; 參考:《陜西師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:新中國成立之后,上世紀五十年代以來,全國文化藝術(shù)得到了迅速發(fā)展,竹笛演奏以獨奏的形式逐漸走上舞臺,一批傳世的竹笛獨奏曲相繼問世,這些作品多以經(jīng)典的民間音樂為素材,有著濃郁的地方音樂特色,繼而形成竹笛南派和北派。1954年,趙松庭在東北療養(yǎng)時,面對祖國的窗外美麗的大森林,有感而發(fā)創(chuàng)作了《早晨》,1956年,趙松庭在第一屆全國音樂周成功地演奏了《早晨》,后先生又創(chuàng)作了《鷓鴣飛》、 《三五七》、 《二凡》等一系列優(yōu)秀的笛樂作品,先生將北派的技術(shù)融入到自己的笛曲中,在當(dāng)時令人耳目一新,被公認是“南派”竹笛大師。黃源先生在為《笛藝春秋》作序時寫道“在笛子演奏家中,趙松庭獨樹一幟,他的作品并不局限于某種特定的民間音樂的范疇,而是獨辟蹊徑,吸取了民間音樂的豐富營養(yǎng),運用西洋作曲技法,令人耳目一新,在新法創(chuàng)新方面,也作了很大的貢獻,…趙松庭先生處于領(lǐng)先地位,他在笛子理論、科研以及笛子演奏、作曲等方面的造詣頗高,博大精深,堪為人師”。正是因為趙松庭先生的這樣的開創(chuàng)進取精神,以及不斷研究進取,最終他將竹笛藝術(shù)推向的新的歷史高度。趙松庭先生在音樂創(chuàng)作、教材編寫、教學(xué)法、以及樂器改革、樂器史的研究等領(lǐng)域?qū)χ竦褜W(xué)科的發(fā)展有著深遠的影響,他不僅是表演藝術(shù)家,更是教育學(xué)家,他門下有五代弟子,許多都成為了成功的笛子表演藝術(shù)家。趙松庭先生在《笛藝春秋》中寫道: “…我有志在七個方面做一些實實在在的工作!雹俟P者認為,趙松庭先生是將自己研究竹笛藝術(shù)的內(nèi)容規(guī)劃在探討笛史、演奏技巧方面的研究、聲學(xué)的研究、律學(xué)的研究、美學(xué)的研究、教學(xué)法的研究、樂器改革的探討等這七個方面。本文研究趙松庭的竹笛藝術(shù),從趙松庭的生平經(jīng)歷出發(fā),分析趙松庭關(guān)于笛樂的創(chuàng)作觀、演奏觀、教學(xué)觀、科研觀,通過趙松庭創(chuàng)作的樂曲,分析其演奏風(fēng)格的成因與特點,并從傳統(tǒng)審美角度出發(fā)對其音樂思想做出理論分析,闡述趙松庭的竹笛藝術(shù)。本文分為緒論,五個章節(jié)與結(jié)語。文章緒論部分是論文的選題目的意義,文獻綜述和研究現(xiàn)狀,研究方法。該部分整理了當(dāng)代對趙松庭先生的研究成果,并對這些研究成果分析,探討了關(guān)于研究趙松庭笛樂藝術(shù)的意義。本文的第二章詳細的介紹了趙松庭先生的藝術(shù)人生歷程,并通過不同的社會環(huán)境對其的影響來將其經(jīng)歷劃分為三個階段,闡述了其笛樂思想產(chǎn)生的原因。第三章是對其教育觀、科研觀具體探討,詳細闡述了趙松庭的竹笛藝術(shù)理念。第四章是笛樂演奏創(chuàng)作觀與演奏風(fēng)格研究,第五章則是通過趙松庭的五首經(jīng)典作品來對其演奏技法與演奏形式進行探究。第六章是趙松庭先生的美學(xué)思想,探討了他關(guān)于音樂與演奏的辯證思想以及傳統(tǒng)審美學(xué)角度對其樂曲進行闡述。通過對趙松庭先生的竹笛藝術(shù)研究,認為趙松庭先生對后世竹笛藝術(shù)的發(fā)展起到了重大的影響,主要表現(xiàn)在:演奏技術(shù)的影響、教育人才的影響、竹笛科研的影響等方面、笛樂創(chuàng)作的影響等等。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of new China, the national culture and art have developed rapidly since the 50s of last century. Bamboo flute playing is gradually on the stage with the form of solo. A batch of bamboo flute solos have come out successively. These works are mostly based on classical folk music, with strong local music features, and then the southern and Northern School of bamboo flute. In 1954, when Zhao Songting was convalescent in the northeast, facing the beautiful forest outside the window of the motherland, he created the morning > in the morning. In 1956, Zhao Songting successfully played the morning > in the first national music week. After that, Mr. Zhao Songting wrote a series of excellent flute works such as "partridge flying", < 357 >, < two >. In his own flute, at that time, it was refreshing and recognized as the "south school" master of bamboo flute. Mr. Huang wrote in his order for "flute art spring and Autumn". "In the flute music, Zhao Songting has a unique style. His works are not limited to certain categories of folk music, but a unique way to absorb the rich nutrition of folk music." The use of western composing techniques is refreshing and has made great contributions to the innovation of new laws. Mr. Zhao Songting is in the leading position. He has great attainments in flute theory, scientific research, flute performance, composing and so on. It is precisely because of Mr. Zhao Songting's pioneering spirit, and continuous research and progress, that he eventually pushed the bamboo flute art to a new historical height. Mr. Zhao Songting is in the music. Creation, textbook compilation, teaching method, musical instrument reform, musical instrument history research and other fields have a profound influence on the development of bamboo flute discipline. He is not only a performing artist, but also an educationist. He has five generations of disciples, many have become a successful flute performing artist. Mr. Zhao Songting wrote in "the spring and autumn of the flute", "... I am determined to do some real work in seven aspects. 1. The author thinks that Mr. Zhao Songting is a study of the seven aspects of the study of his own study of bamboo flute art in the study of the history of flute, the techniques of playing, the research of acoustics, the study of law, the study of aesthetics, the research of the teaching method, the discussion of the reform of the instrument and so on. Zhao Songting's bamboo flute art, starting from Zhao Songting's life experience, analyzes Zhao Songting's views on the creation of flute music, performance view, teaching view, scientific research view, analyses the causes and characteristics of his playing style through Zhao Songting's music, and makes a theoretical analysis of his musical music thought from the traditional aesthetic point of view, and expounds Zhao Songting's bamboo flute art. This article is divided into the introduction, five chapters and the conclusion. The introduction part is the purpose meaning of the topic, the literature review and the research status, the research method. This part collates the research results of Mr. Zhao Songting, and analyzes the significance of the research on the study of Zhao song's flute art. The second chapter of this paper is detailed. This paper introduces Mr. Zhao Songting's art and life history, and divides its experience into three stages through the influence of different social environment, and expounds the causes of his flute music thought. The third chapter is a detailed discussion on his view of education and scientific research and the detailed exposition of Zhao Songting's bamboo flute art concept. The fourth chapter is the concept of flute music. The fifth chapter is to explore the skills and forms of playing by Zhao Songting's five classic works. The sixth chapter is Mr. Zhao Songting's aesthetic thought, and discusses his dialectic thoughts on music and performance and the traditional aesthetic point of view. Through the bamboo flute of Mr. Zhao Songting The study of art holds that Mr. Zhao Songting has a great influence on the development of later bamboo flute art, mainly in the following aspects: the influence of playing technology, the influence of educational talents, the influence of bamboo flute scientific research and so on, the influence of the flute music creation and so on.


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