

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 10:11

  本文選題:居住環(huán)境 + 人性化。 參考:《河北農業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing demands on the living environment, the residents pay more and more attention to the residential landscape design, residents not only want to get a visual aesthetic feast, but also want to get humanized physical and mental enjoyment. The humanized landscape design requires "people-oriented", emphasizes the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, at the same time, the landscape design must take into account the different needs of residents of different cultural levels and different ages, so as to create a beautiful environment. A comfortable and pleasant living environment. Firstly, this paper makes a systematic investigation, analysis and arrangement on the theoretical knowledge and development of residential landscape at home and abroad, so as to study the advanced design concepts and design methods, so as to make a good preliminary analysis and provide reference materials for the development of this project. Then combining theory with practice, we make a scientific and systematic humanized analysis of the functional structure, spatial transformation, traffic organization, greening and planting of some typical cases, and learn these excellent practical cases. Provide practical guidance for this project. Finally, under the guidance of the above theoretical knowledge and practical projects, the residential area planning and design, and in road traffic, functional zoning, landscape nodes, public facilities layout and other aspects of human needs as far as possible. Through the research and analysis of this paper, we can preliminarily understand the development of residential landscape at home and abroad, at the same time, we can learn advanced theoretical knowledge, design techniques and technological techniques of foreign countries. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the residents' psychology, behavior and living environment, and taking into account the real needs of the residents, this paper points out the problems existing in the residential landscape design in China, and finds out the solutions. In the outdoor public space of residential area, different space and movement are combined and opened and closed, so as to create different space forms such as leisure space, sports space, conversation space, sit-in space, private space, open space and so on. In the practical case, this paper designs the planning layout, traffic layout, entrance landscape, landscape sequence, landscape node, plant planting and so on in the view of "humanization". In the design, the goal of the design is to satisfy the needs of the residents, and the humanistic care and respect for the humanity of the residents as the starting point. At this stage, residents hope to have a beautiful environment, green ecology, low carbon environmental protection and humanized high quality residential landscape environment. For designers, when designing residential landscape, they should adhere to the "people-oriented" design concept. Make full use of the limited space to create a human-friendly living environment in harmony with nature.


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