

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 03:33

  本文選題:方以智 + 《藥地炮莊》; 參考:《陜西師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Zhuangzi's study was revived, and various kinds of Zhuang's works were published one after another. The Zhuang Zi School of the Ming Dynasty was one of the most unique. In terms of their thoughts, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Taoism are combined, and Zhuangzi's patriotic thought is generally expressed by explaining Chuang Tzu. Fang Yizhi's Zhuangzhuang is the product of this period and represents the highest achievement of Zhuang Zi. This paper tries to show its academic value and the achievements of the Ming people in the study of Zhuang by studying the book of Guanzhuang. What is more important is to restore the historical position of Fang Yizhi, an encyclopedic figure. The first chapter is the introduction to Fang Yizhi and his works. The article firstly combs Fang Yizhi's life, family background and his friends according to the existing ancient books, from which we can see the influence of the formation of Fang Yizhi's academic thought on his Zhuangxue works. Secondly, it summarizes the writing background of Guanzhuang in Yadi, examines the internal influence of the thought of "three religions in one" in Ming Dynasty, and shows the author's mentality of the bereavement in the light of the historical environment of the collapse of the Ming Dynasty. It is also a part of the study to investigate its edition and compilation style. The second chapter discusses the characteristics of Guanzhuang. In the aspect of explanation of justice and theory, Fang inherits the academic tradition of former scholars' understanding of "Zhuang" by Confucianism, "Zhuang" by "Yi", "Zhuang" by "Zen", and boldly innovates on this basis. In understanding Zhuang with Confucianism, Fang regards Zhuangzi as the solitary son of Confucius, who holds that the Confucianism inherits the theory of Kong, Yan, Si and Meng. In the aspect of "Yi", he advocates that "Zhuang" is "the change of" Yi "and regards" Zhuangzi "as the legacy of the" Book of changes ", thus pushing the interpretation of" Zhuang "to an unprecedented height. Fang Yizhi later, Pai into the Zen, presided over the Qingyuan Taoist Center, lecturing the Dharma, in Zen has a very deep attainments. It is the main characteristic of Zhuangzi to interpret Zhuangzi by means of Zen official case and Zen language. The most unique thing is that Fang Yizhi also introduced some western scientific and technological knowledge to explain Zhuangzi, examine Zhuangzi from the perspective of western studies, and incorporate the modern thought, which is the only thing in the history of Zhuang school. The third chapter discusses the characteristics of Yandi Guanzhuang. Fang Yizhi not only has a unique view of the characteristics of Zhuangzi in literature and art, but also has a unique view in explaining the justice and theory of Zhuangzi. In Yao Di Guanzhuang, he made a unique comment on the writing, style, language and style of the article. He also commented on Zhuangzi from the point of view of painting and painting, which had a positive impact on later generations. The fourth chapter summarizes the value and influence of the book "Yandi Guanzhuang". The value of this book is mainly reflected in two aspects of thought and cultural inheritance. The book contains the thought of "Yi > unified the three religions", the "Zhuang > study thought of the Ming people", the materialism thought and so on, all of which have an influence on the later generations. Fang's works also have a certain impact on the future works of Zhuang School. Its deficiency is to do more Zen language, obscure and difficult to understand, to some extent affect the academic status of the book. In a word, Fang Yizhi embodied his unique interpretation and comments in his works. In the academic background of the fusion of thought and contradiction between Ming and Qing dynasties, Zhuangzi's study is brilliant, as the representative work of the Ming Dynasty's relic, the Yandi Guanzhuang occupies an important place in the history of the study.


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