

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 11:02

  本文選題:生物浮島 + 布局策略 ; 參考:《杭州電子科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the optimal layout and intelligent control of biological floating islands in the process of water denutrition are studied, and this problem is systematically introduced and studied in five chapters. The introduction mainly introduces the research background, development history, application prospect, the latest development trend and the research significance of this paper. In the second chapter, we study the distributed layout problem of circular region, establish two mathematical programming models based on different objectives, transform the layout problem into a solution problem of the model, and propose an approximate algorithm with a bound of 1 / 2. Finally, the rationality and correctness of the layout model and the theory are verified by solving an example, which lays a theoretical foundation for the optimization of the layout of floating islands. In the third chapter, the optimal layout of floating islands is divided into two parts, and a multi-objective programming model is established, which solves the problems of the number of floating islands, the selection of types and the layout, and improves the approximate algorithm of layering layout. The layout scheme which is solved by the improved approximate algorithm and the gradient method is compared and analyzed, and the correctness of the layout model and theory is further verified by two examples. In chapter 4, the intelligent control problem of biological floating island is analyzed, and the intelligent control platform and system are designed. The distance between floating island and the boundary between floating island and water area is measured by ultrasonic sensor in the control platform to control the fixed and drift of floating island. Through the control system, the fast arrival of the floating island to the heavily polluted water area is realized. When the water quality in the water reaches the standard, the floating island can be arranged in line to enhance the landscape value of the water area. Finally, the paper summarizes the full text and points out the future work and direction.


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7 王R,




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