

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-16 10:03

  本文選題:價(jià)值 + 心靈; 參考:《吉林藝術(shù)學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the era of advanced science and technology, people usually pay attention to the preface of the times, look forward, and have a cold attitude towards the old. In fact, the old thing has its own value, it is the witness of the discovery of the times, there is no old thing, there is no new thing. On the other hand, old things give people a kind of spiritual return, give people a quiet reverie. It is telling its story to the people of the new age. It is a kind of beauty, beauty is not only positive to good, it also includes tragedy, depression and so on. We are used to seeing things from the dichotomy of the subject and the object, which only separates nature from itself, and beauty escapes quietly. Beauty is not the object nor the Noumenon. In creation, we create beauty, which originates from life, but is higher than life. It is the product of the essence of things and the exchange of self spirit. Beauty belongs to the public. In the face of the same thing, everyone has different spiritual feelings. The individual and the common body are inseparable, the individual comes from the common body, the common body contains the individual.


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