

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 12:04

  本文選題:王詵 + 交游 ; 參考:《江蘇大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Song Dynasty was a prosperous era of culture and art. The emergence of some enlightened ideas gradually broke the strict hierarchy. The Northern Song Dynasty, famous scholars, born in a humble family, there is a royal art talent. Wang Shen is such a aristocrat who has deep skill in painting and rich artistic cultivation. However, there are few records about him in the history books, and he has no definite orientation to his status and achievement. Therefore, the author will make a more comprehensive study of Wang Shen. Starting from Wang Shen's life and the background of his time, through his deeds in the circle of friends, especially his contacts with Su Shi, this article will gain a deeper understanding of his life trends and living environment. Then select Wang Shen's representative landscape painting works to analyze Wang Shen's painting style and some implied creative meanings. Besides painting and calligraphy, Wang Shen is also proficient in the collection of paintings and calligraphy. The rich material conditions are the basis for his ability to set up a treasure painting hall and collect, appreciate, and manage activities, and it is also an indispensable condition for him to broaden his horizons and make innovations in ancient times. Therefore, the author will carry on the thorough research to the treasure painting hall each aspect activity, mainly revolves the treasure to draw the hall calligraphy and painting work origin and the past to return the record but unfolds. In this paper, we also supplement the influence of Wang Shen on the Song Dynasty and the later dynasties. It is also found in the historical materials that Wang Shen and Zhao Ji of Huizong in Song Dynasty have a great origin, and it also helps the fate of Wang Shen in the later period of life, and also makes a related narration.


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10 張榮國(guó);;王詵與蘇軾之交游(下)[J];榮寶齋;2010年09期

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1 楊寶寶;王詵書畫鑒藏研究[D];首都師范大學(xué);2014年

2 張文賢;王詵研究[D];山西師范大學(xué);2009年




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