

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 10:27

  本文選題:河流改線 + 地下水。 參考:《河北工程大學》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:河流在城市發(fā)展中發(fā)揮重要作用。隨著城市化的進程,政府基于景觀、生態(tài)、環(huán)境、經(jīng)濟等因素的考量,對不少河流進行改線。改線工程會給當?shù)貛聿簧偕鷳B(tài)、經(jīng)濟利益;同時,改線工程破壞了原始的地層結(jié)構(gòu),毫無疑問會引起其周圍地下水流場的變化,在一定程度上改變水文地質(zhì)條件。本文基于某一河流改線工程實例,分析了不同改線方案對地下水流場的影響,探討了對地下水流場影響最小的河流改線方案確定方法。以改線工程對周邊地下水流場的影響為著眼點,首先調(diào)查分析了研究區(qū)域的地質(zhì)、水文地質(zhì)條件,將研究區(qū)域潛水層概化成非均質(zhì)、各向同性介質(zhì)、非穩(wěn)定的二維水流,構(gòu)建了水文地質(zhì)概念模型。在概念模型的基礎(chǔ)上,建立了數(shù)學模型,借助Visual MODFLOW軟件求解了該研究區(qū)域的地下水流數(shù)值模型。并對數(shù)學模型進行了識別和驗證。其次,分析探討了改線工程長度、是否建設(shè)護岸護底工程對地下水流場的影響問題。研究結(jié)果表明:當改線工程采取護岸護底且改線工程長度越大,對地下水流場的影響越大,改線工程運營時間越長,對地下水流場的影響越小,當改線工程運營5年后,改線工程對地下水流場的影響可以忽略。最后,分析了改線工程施工引起地下水流場的變化,研究了對地下水流場影響較小的基坑降水方案的確定方法。本研究成果對流域的生態(tài)環(huán)境保護、旅游資源開發(fā)具有積極的指導意義。
[Abstract]:Rivers play an important role in urban development. With the process of urbanization, the government reroutes many rivers based on landscape, ecology, environment, economy and other factors. It will bring a lot of ecological and economic benefits to the local area, and at the same time, it will destroy the original formation structure, which will undoubtedly cause the change of the groundwater flow field around it, and change the hydrogeological conditions to a certain extent. Based on an example of a river rerouting project, this paper analyzes the influence of different alignment schemes on the groundwater flow field, and discusses the determination method of the river alignment scheme, which has the least influence on the groundwater flow field. Focusing on the influence of the realignment project on the surrounding groundwater flow field, the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the study area are investigated and analyzed, and the submersible beds in the studied area are converted into heterogeneous, isotropic and unstable two-dimensional flows. The concept model of hydrogeology is constructed. Based on the conceptual model, the mathematical model is established, and the numerical model of groundwater flow in the studied area is solved by Visual MODFLOW software. The mathematical model is identified and verified. Secondly, the influence of the length of the realignment project and the construction of the revetment base on the groundwater flow field is analyzed. The results show that the longer the length of the realignment project, the greater the influence on the groundwater flow field, and the longer the operation time, the less the influence on the groundwater flow field. The influence of the realignment project on the groundwater flow field can be neglected. Finally, the variation of groundwater flow field caused by the construction of the modified line engineering is analyzed, and the method of determining the dewatering scheme of foundation pit with less influence on the groundwater flow field is studied. The results of this study have positive guiding significance for the ecological environment protection and tourism resources development of the river basin.


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