

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 07:50

  本文選題:蘇北運(yùn)河 + 工業(yè)遺產(chǎn) ; 參考:《中央美術(shù)學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper is part of the study of "the Grande Canale 2050". One of the main purposes of this study is to use water as a link to link industrial buildings, to comb and study the industrial buildings along the Subei section of the Grande Canale, Hangzhou, Hangzhou, and put forward the renewal and transformation strategy of the old industrial buildings with the characteristics of Northern Jiangsu Province. The Grande Canale and the Grande Canale The industrial heritage corridor is a special type of heritage corridor. It is based on Beijing Hangzhou and the Grande Canale as the core resource, and collate the construction of the industrial heritage protection standard and the related environment as the basic elements of the corridor. It is made up of Beijing Hangzhou and the Grande Canale into a linear Industrial cultural landscape area. And it has a common historical theme. The corridor of the canal industrial heritage corridor makes the structure of natural resources, industrial heritage resources and leisure tourism resources along the line as a whole, to achieve the overall regional protection and development, and to create certain social, cultural and economic effects. From the farming era, Beijing and the Grande Canale have been linked to the north and the south. The main road of the capital transportation has prospered the local economy of our country from space, gave birth to the regional culture of different periods in time. It has also played an important role in the development of modern and modern history, and also played an important role in the development of the industrial process of our country. From the beginning of "Westernization Movement" in 1860s, the the Grande Canale North Jiangsu Province began to develop with mining and electricity industry. The national industry, which is the core of the agricultural product processing industry, is one of the birthplaces of the national industry. It plays an important role in the modern industrial history. Many historical and humane Industrial Relics preserved along the transportation have enriched the linear cultural landscape of the canal, and also provided the construction of a diversified Canal Heritage Corridor. Just like the reasons for the location of large industrial enterprises on both sides of the expressway, logistics is always an important role of industrial production. In modern China, before the development of land transportation in China, the transport of water has always occupied a vital transport status in China. Therefore, the two sides of the Grande Canale and Hangzhou along the coast of Beijing and Hangzhou are distributed. The industrial architecture, with a strong regional color, is also a special memory of the city when the number, and the special historical and geographical features of the industrial buildings.



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