

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 03:40

  本文選題:大學校園 + 景觀設(shè)計 ; 參考:《西北農(nóng)林科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:College campus is a special environment with rich cultural atmosphere and rich spatial structure. Plant landscape design should not only reflect the aesthetic taste of young students, but also embody campus culture, special industry culture and flower culture. It is necessary to have a specific spirit of place. The spirit of place is the soul of plant landscape design on campus. In recent years, the construction of campus environment has been developing continuously and rapidly, and the quality of campus landscape has been improved steadily. At the same time, there is not close connection between plant landscape design and place spirit on campus. This paper takes the plant landscape design of university campus as the core, analyzes the correlation between the place landscape and the plant landscape, and probes into how to embody the spirit of the place in the plant landscape design. And draw the following conclusion: 1. The correlation between plant landscape and place spirit. The plant landscape is influenced by profound philosophical thoughts such as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and is in harmony with the traditional geomantic theory of Yin and Yang. At the same time, plant landscape also adheres to modern ecological design theory. The spirit of plant landscape places on university campus has experienced the evolution from the poetic traditional academy, the regular church school, the Chinese and western combination of the Republic of China and the Westernized house, the pluralistic complex of modern campus and so on. The plant landscape shapes the place to appreciate with the landscape time sequence, strengthens the place vigor with the space experience, constructs the place artistic conception with the plant culture. 2. The Construction Strategy of University Campus Spirit based on Plant Landscape. The ornamental characteristics of plant landscape are pleasing to the eye, fragrant to human beings, and moving posture; solitary planting, arrangement, etc.; the interface form of top, side and bottom; open space, semi-open space, closed space, etc. Covering space and other spatial forms, as well as elegant, benevolent, reunion, integrity and other cultural connotations constitute the plant landscape of the spirit of the place. 3. The spirit construction model of university campus based on plant landscape. The spirit of university campus is mainly reflected in various aspects of different landscape types. For example, the open door landscape, the walk landscape, the natural waterfront landscape, the compound sensory architectural courtyard landscape. Can also be reflected in the lilac, bamboo, lotus, vanilla garden and other special plant landscape. Sea area architecture, water system, rock landscape and so on. 4. Take the campus landscape of a university's affiliated science and technology college (East Campus) as an example, study and discuss the opening. Ecology, the spirit of the place of communication, and as the core of the plant landscape design of the spirit of the place. Including the open spirit of the central axis plant landscape, ecological spirit of the slope plant landscape, the spirit of communication of the four seasons courtyard landscape.


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