

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 03:28

  本文選題:森林公園 + 生態(tài)化設(shè)計(jì); 參考:《仲愷農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization in China, more and more people are eager to enjoy nature. With the enhancement of the consciousness of ecological protection, the study of forest park has been deepened. Based on the protection of forest ecological resources, the ecological design of forest park has been preliminarily studied in this paper. In this paper, the general situation of forest park development is analyzed, and the related concepts of forest park design are summarized through the reading of relevant documents. Based on these theoretical analyses, the approaches and methods of forest landscape design are summarized, including plant landscape design, hydrological landscape design, architectural design and road design, etc. The ecological design of forest park is discussed systematically. Based on the above theoretical guidance, taking the Weiyuan Forest Park in Humen Town, Guangdong Province as an example, through the investigation and study of the park, according to the actual situation of Weiyuan Forest Park, from the plant landscape, hydrological landscape, Construction and road four aspects of the specific design of natural ecology. Ecological design of plant landscape. Weiyuan Forest Park is rich in natural resources and does not need large-scale reconstruction and construction. Some hillsides are exposed to the outside, and some tree species with strong resistance and easy growth, such as deep mountains with smiles and acacia, are selected, accompanied by shrubs and herbaceous plants. Form a mixed plant community. When considering the arrangement of plants on the tour route, the plants should be selected according to the estimation of the tourist flow and the function of the use of the route, and the local plants should be chosen more so as to promote the integration of the tour route and the surrounding landscape. Ecological design of hydrological landscape. The park should adopt the forms of stone cage bank protection, natural archetypal bank protection, wooden pile bank protection and plant, rockfill, and so on, and choose the plants with developed roots such as Reed and Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Architectural design Such buildings as Weiyuan Battery, Jingyuan Battery and the site of the Qing military garrison should be repaired, rest, dining and lodging buildings should adopt a unified archaic design, more traditional building materials such as stone and wood should be used. At the same time, encourage the use of clean energy such as solar, wind energy. Road design. The design of the tour line should be based on the mountain, and the type of walking road should be in the form of log steps, stone steps, wooden trestle roads and sand and gravel pavement, which are in harmony with the natural landscape. This paper not only collates and analyzes the relevant theories and principles of the ecological design of forest parks, but also sums up and summarizes the concrete methods and techniques. At the same time, combining the theory with practice, the contents of ecological design of forest parks are improved. Taking the relevant principles of ecological design as the guidance of practical design, we can fully excavate the tourism value of natural landscape under the premise of protecting the natural development of forest resources and its ecosystem, and bring local social and economic benefits at the same time. Also realized the ecology protection, formed the virtuous circle.


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