

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 08:55

  本文選題:近現(xiàn)代遺產(chǎn) + 景觀設(shè)計 ; 參考:《魯迅美術(shù)學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the course of urbanization, this paper studies the transformation of urban cultural heritage into modern urban landscape. The city orientates its own characteristic culture, regards the historical angle carefully as the breakthrough point, grasps the future development direction of the city cultural landscape. Mainly based on the urban modern architectural landscape heritage, to rebuild the landscape. This kind of protection for this kind of building has certain cultural significance, can be called cultural landscape heritage of modern times, is a kind of form technique that adds the charm of city. In this paper, the author mainly analyzes and explores the phenomena existing in the current urban development, selects similar excellent architectural landscape cases in the world to compare in many aspects, and finds out the direction of design and development suitable for the current social situation in China. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the background and significance of the topic. The second part is through the theoretical analysis of regional culture, architectural heritage preservation and other aspects of routine speculation. The third part is to analyze the theory and concept, select the Northeast as the main urban cases, and summarize the regional culture of the Northeast. The fourth part is the isomorphism of heritage landscape. This paper chooses Japanese community construction as an example to explore the way of living inheritance of modern heritage in China. The fifth part is the core chapter of this paper, to solve the problems raised in this paper. In a word, this paper mainly analyzes the living state inheritance of the modern cultural landscape heritage in the contemporary urban design of the north of China, analyzes the theory, and illustrates the demonstration of several ways with examples. In the process of argumentation, we should improve our theoretical knowledge of landscape design and make a contribution to urban construction.


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