

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 03:38

  本文選題:景觀指數(shù) + 粒度效應; 參考:《武漢大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:景觀指數(shù)是土地利用景觀生態(tài)學相關研究中的重要方法,也是眾多土地利用評價中的重要指標,但其受空間粒度的影響巨大。對景觀指數(shù)粒度效應的分析,有利于對土地利用進行更科學的分析及研究。本文選擇處于快速城市化地區(qū)的深圳市為研究區(qū),在GIS的支持下,將深圳市土地利用空間數(shù)據(jù)按照不同粒度,分別劃分為l0m×10m,20m×20m,30m×30m,40m×40m,50m×50m,60m×60m,70m×70m,80m×80 m,90m×90m,l00m×100m等間隔的十組數(shù)據(jù),選取7組不同層次上的景觀指數(shù),并利用景觀指數(shù)分析軟件Fragstats4.2計算不同粒度的景觀指數(shù),在此基礎上通過尺度域分析和信息損失評價,確定了深圳市土地利用景觀指數(shù)的適宜粒度區(qū)間。最后,以確定的最佳粒度對深圳市2009-2013年期間景觀形狀指數(shù)(LSI)、集合度(AI)、香農(nóng)多樣性指數(shù)(SHDI)和香農(nóng)均勻度指數(shù)(SHEI)進行了時空動態(tài)研究,分析了深圳市快速城市化進程對土地利用的影響。研究結果表明:(1)選取的景觀指數(shù)都具有非常明顯的粒度響應,且指數(shù)的數(shù)值隨粒度呈現(xiàn)出以下變化趨勢:斑塊個數(shù)、周長、景觀形狀指數(shù)、聚集度等景觀指數(shù)隨著粒度的增加而有著不同程度的下降;面積比例、香農(nóng)多樣性指數(shù)和香農(nóng)均勻度指數(shù)隨著粒度的增加圍繞某一個值上下波動。(2)基于尺度域分析和和信息損失評價,確定了深圳市土地利用景觀指數(shù)的適宜粒度區(qū)間為30-40m。(3)利用最佳粒度對深圳市2009-2013年的數(shù)據(jù)進行景觀指數(shù)計算,可以看出深圳市在這五年期間,隨著城市化水平的不斷提高,建設用地面積大大增加,自然景觀面積大大減少。這對于深圳市的生態(tài)景觀具有深遠的影響。
[Abstract]:Landscape index is an important method in the study of land use landscape ecology. It is also an important index in many land use evaluation, but it is greatly affected by spatial granularity. The analysis of the granularity effect of landscape index is beneficial to more scientific analysis and research on land use. In this paper, with the support of GIS, the spatial data of land use in Shenzhen are divided into 10 groups of data of 10m 脳 10m 脳 10m 脳 20m 脳 30m 脳 30m ~ 40m 脳 40m 脳 50m 脳 50m 脳 50m 脳 50m 脳 60m 脳 60m 脳 60m 脳 70m 80m 脳 80m 脳 80m 脳 90ml00m 脳 100m with the support of GIS. Seven groups of landscape indices at different levels were selected, and the landscape indices of different granularity were calculated by using the landscape index analysis software Fragstats4.2. On this basis, the scale domain analysis and information loss evaluation were carried out. The suitable granularity range of land use landscape index in Shenzhen was determined. Finally, the spatial and temporal dynamics of landscape shape index (LSI), assemblage index (AI), Shannon diversity index (SHDI) and Shannon evenness index (SHEI) for the period 2009-2013 in Shenzhen were studied with the best granularity. The influence of rapid urbanization on land use in Shenzhen was analyzed. The results show that the landscape index selected by 1) has a very obvious granularity response, and the value of the index shows the following trends: patch number, perimeter, landscape shape index, the number of patches, and the landscape shape index. The landscape index such as aggregation degree decreased with the increase of granularity. Shannon diversity index and Shannon evenness index fluctuate up and down around a certain value with the increase of particle size.) based on scale domain analysis and information loss evaluation, Shannon diversity index and Shannon evenness index fluctuate around a certain value. The suitable granularity range of land use landscape index in Shenzhen was determined to be 30-40 m.f3) the landscape index of Shenzhen from 2009 to 2013 was calculated by using the best granularity. It can be seen that the level of urbanization in Shenzhen is increasing continuously during these five years. Construction land area greatly increased, natural landscape area greatly reduced. This has a profound impact on the ecological landscape of Shenzhen.


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