

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-14 01:05

  本文選題:煤礦鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn) + 煤礦廢棄地。 參考:《吉林農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Due to the pressure of environmental protection and the rapid development of clean energy, the coal industry in our country has overcapacity, low price, serious loss and low cost of automobile transportation. As a result, many township coal transport railways have stopped idle, and even coal mines have been closed down. In the past, people mainly paid attention to the research on the renewal of abandoned railways in cities, but lack of research on abandoned railways in villages and towns. Therefore, this paper mainly takes the abandoned railway of coal mine township type as the research object, through discussing the combination of coal element, folk custom, architecture, agricultural culture element and the industrial element left over by the abandoned railway of coal transportation. To regenerate the landscape, ecology, and culture of abandoned railways in towns and villages, thus creating the abandoned railway landscape of coal mines and townships that blend with the surrounding natural idyllic scenery, as villages and villages lacking places for leisure and entertainment activities. Provides a link along the village, town collection, leisure and safety of the green road. In the first chapter, the research background, purpose and significance, research objectives, research contents and technical route of landscape regeneration of abandoned railway in coal mine villages and towns are put forward. The second chapter mainly introduces the related concepts of abandoned railway in coal mine towns and villages and towns and the theoretical support needed for the regeneration design of abandoned railway in coal towns, including the theory of sustainable landscape, the theory of landscape ecology and the theory of green road. Theory of Industrial Heritage Conservation and Rural Landscape. The third chapter mainly introduces the related research results, practical cases and existing problems of landscape regeneration design of abandoned railways at home and abroad. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the landscape characteristics of the abandoned railway in coal mine towns, the mode that can be used for the reconstruction of the abandoned railway based on the landscape characteristics of the abandoned railway in coal mines, and the research on the design countermeasures of the landscape, ecology and cultural regeneration of the abandoned railway. The fifth chapter takes the abandoned railway of Tianhe coal mine in Jiangxi province as the research object, combining with the countermeasures of landscape regeneration of abandoned railway introduced above, how to combine the coal element with the local regional characteristic element with the abandoned railway. Thus, landscape regeneration and transformation are carried out.


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