

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 19:53

  本文選題:草地早熟禾 + 生理有效水閾值; 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:近些年,水資源的匱乏成為了當前乃至將來普遍性存在的問題,并且在很多城市,草坪的灌溉沒有規(guī)劃,管理也相對粗放,造成大量水資源浪費。因此,了解草坪的需水量和需水規(guī)律及其他的節(jié)水方法顯得十分重要。本文通過摸清草地早熟禾草坪草生理需水閾值,以期揭示草地早熟禾草坪合理需水機理,同時找出較為耐旱品種,為半干旱地區(qū)城市草坪制定高效合理的精準節(jié)水灌溉制度提供可靠的理論依據(jù)。本文研究了草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)4個品種(凱蒂、凱蘭德、愛娃和優(yōu)異)萎蔫后分4個梯度(分別為田間持水量的100%、80%、60%和40%)復(fù)水的過程,從2014年4月開始測定和觀察了田間持水量、土壤絕干含水量、地上生物量、地下生物量、萎蔫系數(shù)以及草坪草恢復(fù)景觀和維持景觀的時間,比較地上生物量、地下生物量等指標在100%的灌溉梯度下與其他條件下的區(qū)別,找到草地早熟禾草坪草生理需水閩值;并利用綜合評價方法對控水之后的各指標進行分析,以期找到較為抗旱的品種,研究結(jié)果表明:(1)草地早熟禾有效生理水的上限為田間持水量的80%,各品種之間無明顯不同。(2)草地早熟禾品種凱蒂、凱蘭德、愛娃和優(yōu)異的生理有效水的下限分別為54.84 g/kg、54.24 g/kg、54.2 g/kg.67.54 g/kg,介于田間持水量的16.5%和20.6%之間。(3)4個品種抗旱性由強到弱排序為凱蘭德優(yōu)異愛娃凱蒂,其中最抗旱的品種是凱蘭德。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the scarcity of water resources has become a common problem at present and even in the future, and in many cities, irrigation of lawn is not planned, management is relatively extensive, resulting in a large number of waste of water resources. Therefore, it is very important to understand the water demand and law of lawn and other water saving methods. In this paper, the physiological threshold of water demand of Kentucky bluegrass was investigated in order to reveal the reasonable mechanism of water demand and to find out the drought-tolerant varieties. It provides a reliable theoretical basis for the establishment of efficient and reasonable precision water-saving irrigation system for urban lawn in semi-arid area. In this paper, the process of rehydration of four varieties of POA pratensis L. (Cathy, Kelland, Eva and excellent) was studied, which was divided into four gradients (100% and 40% of field water holding capacity, respectively) after wilting. The field water capacity was measured and observed from April 2014. Soil dry water content, aboveground biomass, underground biomass, wilting coefficient and the time of landscape restoration and maintenance of turf grass were compared between the above ground biomass and underground biomass under 100% irrigation gradient compared with other conditions. The physiological water threshold of Kentucky bluegrass was found and the indexes after water control were analyzed by comprehensive evaluation method in order to find the drought-resistant varieties. The results showed that the upper limit of available physiological water of POA pratensis was 80% of field water holding capacity, and there was no obvious difference among varieties. The lower limits of Ava and excellent physiological available water were 54.84 g / kg / kg and 54.24 g / kg 路kg ~ (2) g/kg.67.54 / kg, respectively. The drought resistance of the four varieties ranged from strong to weak to Kelander's. The most drought-resistant variety was Kelland, which was between 16.5% and 20.6% of the field water holding capacity.


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