

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-12 19:28

  本文選題:南京夫子廟街區(qū) + 步行空間。 參考:《南京工業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the Industrial Revolution, motorized traffic has been widely favored for its rapid and convenient advantages. Walking mode is gradually replaced by motorized travel, which leads to the change of urban space. The traditional urban scale disappears, the spatial image converges, the urban cultural identity drops, the city life becomes monotonous, the interpersonal relationship becomes indifferent, the urban environment problem becomes more and more serious. In order to arouse the vitality of urban space, urban walking has been attached importance to, many cities through the planning and construction of a large number of walking blocks to meet the needs of walking activities, but there are still many problems in the status quo of pedestrian blocks, such as: crowded people, The space scale is not suitable for people, and the space environment is poor, so that the walking activities can not be fully supported. Firstly, the paper collects and analyzes the theory of urban walking space, the development and practice of urban walking block, and lays a theoretical foundation for the research. Then, it determines the walking space of Nanjing Fuzimiao block as the research object, and carries out a field investigation on it, through historical evolution, functional layout, spatial structure, streamline organization, spatial scale, The architectural features, facilities and landscape seven aspects of the street walking space are summarized and analyzed the reasons for their emergence. In order to improve the environmental quality of walking space in Fuzimiao district, the author puts forward the corresponding renovation strategies from three aspects: the construction of space pattern, the shaping of space form and the promotion of space environment. This paper explores the problems and solutions of the space elements in pedestrian blocks, and provides a reference for domestic cities to deal with similar problems.


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1 楊舒文;朱青;劉靜;;社區(qū)內(nèi)老年人步行空間安全隱患研究——以北京市百萬(wàn)莊社區(qū)為例[A];城市時(shí)代,,協(xié)同規(guī)劃——2013中國(guó)城市規(guī)劃年會(huì)論文集(07-居住區(qū)規(guī)劃與房地產(chǎn))[C];2013年

2 鄭星;劉e




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