

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 21:36

  本文選題:西溪濕地 + 濕地植物; 參考:《浙江農(nóng)林大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:杭州西溪國家濕地公園是一個集生態(tài)濕地、城市濕地、文化濕地于一體的濕地生態(tài)公園。本文以西溪國家濕地公園一期景區(qū)的植物景觀為研究對象,在文獻研究的基礎上,通過多次實地調(diào)查,從濕地植物的群落結構、季相景觀、空間營造等角度對景區(qū)內(nèi)的植物景觀進行研究分析。主要方法和研究結論如下:1.在西溪國家濕地公園一期景區(qū)內(nèi)選取了 24個樣地進行實地調(diào)研,統(tǒng)計得出樣方內(nèi)分布著維管束植物85科189屬211種,其中蕨類植物4科4屬4種,藤本植物8科12屬12種,草本植物42科98屬104種,木本植物45科76屬91種。在生活型組成上,草本植物多于木本植物。2.通過對景區(qū)植物季相變化的實地調(diào)查和總結分析,得出景區(qū)四季植物景象分明,色彩特征明顯,景觀效果較好。春季以觀花為特色,色彩主要以粉-紅色系、白色系為多,夏季植物郁郁蔥蔥,觀花植物分布較多,色彩以白色系和黃-綠色系為多。秋季以觀葉觀果植物為主,紅色葉黃色葉植物占主導地位,秋天蘆花開放,秋蘆飛雪也是西溪濕地的一大特色植物景觀。冬季植物枝干是主要的觀賞特性,突出了植物的形體美,還可觀賞片植的梅花景觀。3.通過植物與水體、園路、景橋、建筑、小品等構園要素的組合,營造出不同類型的植物組合空間。對選取的24個樣地進行植物空間的分析,其中開敞空間3個,半開敞空間11個,覆蓋空間5個,封閉空間5個。以半開敞空間為主,多樣的植物空間組合,形成了景區(qū)適宜的空間環(huán)境,為游人提供了一個觀光休閑的好場所。
[Abstract]:Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park is a wetland ecological park which integrates ecological wetland, urban wetland and cultural wetland. This paper takes the plant landscape of the first stage scenic spot of Xixi National Wetland Park as the research object, based on the literature research, through many field investigations, from the wetland plant community structure, seasonal landscape, Space construction and other aspects of the landscape of plants in the scenic research and analysis. The main methods and conclusions are as follows: 1. Twenty-four sample plots were selected in the first stage scenic spot of Xixi National Wetland Park for field investigation. The results show that there are 211 species of vascular plants, including 4 families, 4 genera and 4 species of pteridophytes, and 12 species of lianas belonging to 8 families, 12 genera and 8 families. There are 104 species of herbaceous plants belonging to 98 genera and 42 families, and 91 species of woody plants belonging to 76 genera and 45 families. In life form composition, herbaceous plant is more than woody plant. Through the field investigation and summary analysis of plant seasonal changes in the scenic area, it is concluded that the four seasons plant scene is clear, the color characteristic is obvious, and the landscape effect is better. In spring, the main color is pink and red, the white color is more, the summer plant is lush, the flower watching plant is more, the color is white and yellow and green. Autumn is dominated by foliage and fruiting plants, red leaves and yellow leaves are dominant, autumn flowers bloom, autumn Reed snow is also a major characteristic plant landscape in Xixi wetland. Winter plant branches and stems are the main ornamental characteristics, highlighting the shape of the plant beauty, but also to watch the Plum Blossom patch landscape. 3. Through the combination of plant and water body, garden road, landscape bridge, architecture, sketch and so on, different kinds of plant combination space are created. The plant space of 24 plots was analyzed, including 3 open space, 11 semi-open space, 5 covering space and 5 closed space. With semi-open space and various plant space combination, the suitable space environment of scenic spot is formed, which provides a good place for tourists to sightseeing and leisure.


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