

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-21 12:05
【摘要】:新詩(shī)作為新文學(xué)革命的突破口,最早承擔(dān)起文學(xué)領(lǐng)域破舊立新的任務(wù),它不僅在語(yǔ)言和形式上盡力擺脫舊體詩(shī)的束縛,而且將表現(xiàn)的對(duì)象更多地聚焦在普通平民百姓身上,呈現(xiàn)出新文化人的"平民化"情結(jié)。本文在考察五四時(shí)期特定的社會(huì)、歷史、文化語(yǔ)境的基礎(chǔ)上,以詩(shī)人與"平民"之間想象性關(guān)系為切入點(diǎn),討論五四新詩(shī)"平民化"情結(jié)的發(fā)生與歷史呈現(xiàn),總共分為三章:第一章從時(shí)代背景和文學(xué)思潮等方面探索"平民化"新詩(shī)理論從發(fā)生、論爭(zhēng)到沉寂的歷史軌跡。在"平民主義"思潮和"勞工神圣"口號(hào)的影響下,五四新文化人提出了"平民文學(xué)"和新詩(shī)"平民化"的主張,在文學(xué)界引起了巨大的反響。但不同的知識(shí)分子對(duì)新詩(shī)"平民化"存在著不同的理解,產(chǎn)生了一些分歧與論爭(zhēng),這些論爭(zhēng)進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)了文學(xué)革命以及新詩(shī)"平民化"的進(jìn)程。而隨著階級(jí)意識(shí)的覺(jué)醒與無(wú)產(chǎn)階級(jí)革命詩(shī)歌的興起,"平民文學(xué)"思潮逐漸回落,新詩(shī)"平民化"以及"平民文學(xué)"的倡導(dǎo)也逐漸退出公眾的視野。第二章通過(guò)文本細(xì)讀來(lái)分析五四詩(shī)作中的"我"(知識(shí)分子)與"他"(平民)之間的想象性關(guān)系。受到"勞工神圣"口號(hào)的影響,對(duì)勞動(dòng)精神的推崇成為很多"平民化"新詩(shī)的主題;而受到自身生活圈子的影響,許多新詩(shī)人以人力車夫以及農(nóng)家鄉(xiāng)土生活為題材創(chuàng)作新詩(shī),形成了"人力車夫情結(jié)"以及"鄉(xiāng)土情結(jié)"。新文化人不斷在詩(shī)作中對(duì)自己與"平民"的關(guān)系進(jìn)行考量與自我定位,他們"同情"或"認(rèn)同"平民,乃至面對(duì)平民而"自嘲"的背后,都反映了五四知識(shí)分子在應(yīng)對(duì)社會(huì)大變革與大動(dòng)蕩局面下心理嬗變的軌跡和身份認(rèn)同的危機(jī)。在他們身上,知識(shí)分子的精英意識(shí)與"勞工神圣"的思想同時(shí)存在,這是一直困擾他們?nèi)绾慰创约号c底層民眾關(guān)系的癥結(jié)所在。第三章從詩(shī)歌表現(xiàn)形式方面探索"平民化"新詩(shī)在表達(dá)詩(shī)人自身主體情感與"平民"情感過(guò)程中所采取的詩(shī)學(xué)策略,及其對(duì)白話新詩(shī)詩(shī)體建設(shè)作出的貢獻(xiàn)。"平民化"新詩(shī)多采用抒情主體角色化的方式,即抒情主體作為一名在場(chǎng)的旁觀者,或者化身為"平民",擬"平民"的口吻來(lái)敘述、抒情,在表達(dá)"平民" 自身情感的同時(shí),也彰顯出詩(shī)人對(duì)"平民"的態(tài)度以及情感。"平民化"新詩(shī)還從傳統(tǒng)的民間歌謠中尋找資源,在借鑒民謠藝術(shù)形式與表現(xiàn)手法的同時(shí),更進(jìn)一步關(guān)注平民日常生活中的真情實(shí)感。一部分新文化人還對(duì)新詩(shī)"戲劇化"進(jìn)行了大膽嘗試,并將其與新詩(shī)"平民化"的追求結(jié)合在一起,深入挖掘與展現(xiàn)平民的內(nèi)心世界和性格特征,無(wú)意間也流露出詩(shī)人的主體情感,拓展了詩(shī)歌的表現(xiàn)手法。
[Abstract]:As the breakthrough of the new literary revolution, new poetry is the earliest undertaking to break the old and the new in the field of literature. It not only tries its best to get rid of the shackles of the old poems in language and form, but also focuses more on the ordinary people. It presents the "popularized" complex of the new cultural people. On the basis of examining the specific social, historical and cultural context of the May 4th Movement, this paper discusses the occurrence and historical presentation of the "popularizing" complex of the May 4th New Poetry from the perspective of the imaginative relationship between the poet and the "common people". There are three chapters altogether: the first chapter explores the historical track of the theory of "popularization" from its occurrence, controversy to silence from the background of the times and the literary trend of thought. Under the influence of the ideological trend of "populism" and the slogan of "sacred labor", the May 4th New Culture people put forward the ideas of "civilian literature" and "popularization", which caused great repercussions in literary circles. However, different intellectuals have different understanding of the "popularization" of new poetry, which has led to some differences and controversies, which have further promoted the literary revolution and the process of "popularization" of new poetry. With the awakening of class consciousness and the rise of proletarian revolutionary poetry, the trend of thought of "civilian literature" gradually fell down, and the new poetry "popularization" and "civilian literature" were gradually withdrawn from the public view. The second chapter analyzes the imaginative relationship between "I" (intellectual) and "he" (civilian) in the May 4th poetics. Influenced by the slogan "sacred labor", the promotion of the spirit of labor has become the theme of many "popularized" new poems; Under the influence of their own life circle, many new poets created new poems with the theme of human rickshaw man and peasant native life, which formed "human rickshaw complex" and "local complex". Neo-cultural people constantly consider and position their relationship with "civilians" in their poems. They "sympathize" or "identify" with the common people, and even "laugh at themselves" in the face of the common people. Both reflect the locus of psychological evolution and the crisis of identity of the May 4th intellectuals under the situation of great social change and great turbulence. In them, the elite consciousness of intellectuals and the idea of "sacred labor" exist at the same time, which is the crux of how they think about their relationship with the people at the bottom. The third chapter explores the poetic strategies adopted in the process of expressing the poet's own emotion and the common people's emotion, and their contribution to the construction of vernacular poetry style. " The popular "new poem" mostly adopts the way of lyric subject's role, that is, lyric subject, as an onlooker present, or incarnate as "civilian", to describe and express emotion, while expressing "civilian's" own emotion. It also shows the poet's attitude and emotion towards the common people. " The "popularized" poetry also seeks resources from the traditional folk ballads, while drawing lessons from the artistic forms and expressive methods of folk songs, it pays further attention to the true feelings in the daily life of the common people. Some of the new cultural people have also made a bold attempt on the "dramatization" of the new poetry, and combined it with the pursuit of the "popularization" of the new poem, and deeply excavated and displayed the inner world and character characteristics of the common people. Inadvertently also revealed the poet's main feelings, expanding the expression of poetry.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

1 劉志權(quán);;從“寫(xiě)平民”到“平民寫(xiě)”——試論20世紀(jì)末“平民文學(xué)”研究的新思路[J];江蘇社會(huì)科學(xué);2007年06期

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7 李莉;;民俗文化與“五四”平民文學(xué)[J];湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào);2010年06期

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9 徐東;;博客:走向大眾的平民文學(xué)[J];長(zhǎng)春金融高等?茖W(xué)校學(xué)報(bào);2007年04期

10 劉志權(quán);;平民理論與當(dāng)代平民文學(xué)——兼論當(dāng)代文學(xué)史三維坐標(biāo)系的構(gòu)建[J];江蘇社會(huì)科學(xué);2013年05期

相關(guān)重要報(bào)紙文章 前3條

1 鄭國(guó)友;重提平民文學(xué)[N];甘肅日?qǐng)?bào);2004年

2 ;平民、平民文學(xué)和平民利益[N];文匯報(bào);2006年

3 郭志剛;由“信件”引起的聯(lián)想[N];文藝報(bào);2008年

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 吳綽;論胡適的平民文學(xué)觀[D];遼寧大學(xué);2016年

2 夏夢(mèng)佳;論五四新詩(shī)的“平民化”情結(jié)[D];南京大學(xué);2015年

3 陳思;論五四時(shí)期周作人的平民文學(xué)觀[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2015年




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