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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-16 18:35
[Abstract]:The prose of the late famous essayist Wu Songqiao often leaves a deep impression at first sight and unforgettable first reading. Even if the harsh criteria of quality and quantity are introduced to judge it, the "authentic article" of the late prose writer can also stand up to the pickiness of the "poisonous eye". He is still not fully interpreted, even an undervalued maverick writer in the field of Chinese prose. At the same time, Wu Songqiao is the "early pedestrian" of "the presence literature" and "the self-acting spirit" in the pen farming community of China. Almost all his essays highlight the distinct characteristics of the positive "entry into WTO". Wu Songqiao has a very strong sense of mission and responsibility, he is not short of observation, thinking, moral presence, to undertake the presence of inspection vision and moral courage, his text highlights the indelible ability of text management and the frontiers of hot blood writing.
【作者單位】: 自貢市文藝評論家協(xié)會;自貢市網(wǎng)絡(luò)作家協(xié)會;


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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3 高虹;;媒體文化有標(biāo)桿·解讀伍松喬[J];青年作家;2012年05期

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7 魏明倫;;與人為善的行吟記者[J];同舟共進(jìn);2001年08期

8 棱子;;十年空白[J];青年作家;2012年05期

9 馮學(xué)全 ,資建民;“散步”的境界——伍松喬散文集《姓甚名誰》印象[J];當(dāng)代文壇;1994年03期

10 李國麟;;伍松喬獲中國游記文學(xué)最高獎[J];晚霞;2012年15期





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