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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-16 07:36
[Abstract]:As an important link in the history of Chinese modern drama, base area drama is a dramatic phenomenon which can not be ignored in the history of Chinese drama. The development of the drama movement in the base area can not be carried out without the leadership and promotion of the writers and artists. As one of the leaders and organizers of the revolutionary literary and art cause in China, Li Bozhao's drama practice is closely related to the development of the drama in the base area. This article takes Li Bozhao as the breakthrough point, from her drama creation practice and the performance practice carries on the analysis, in order to perspective the historical characteristic and the practice way of the base area drama. This paper is divided into five parts. The introduction summarizes the origin of the topic, the value and significance of the research and the current situation of the research. The first chapter discusses the role construction process of Li Bozhao from the intellectual elite to the professional revolutionist of the Communist Party of China. In the course of Li Bozhao's life she has a perspective on the change of her identity and the formation of the drama concept. In the second chapter, Li Bozhao's drama creation and performance practice in the Soviet region, from the study of the Soviet literature and art form to the use of folk cultural resources, the article selects different kinds of drama works of Li Bozhao. This paper analyzes the style changes of Li Bozhao's drama creation from "international norm" to "local style". The third chapter explores the practice of drama nationalization in Yan'an period. Under the dual rules of national discourse and party spirit discourse, Li Bozhao's drama creation practice begins to transform to "nationalization" and "Chinese style". In the historical context of the New Democratic Revolution, Li Bozhao began to consciously incorporate the traditional cultural elements of nationalization and folklore into the drama creation, and to create new nationalized drama works based on the folk literature and art resources. The conclusion part discusses the practical value and historical limitation of Li Bozhao's drama creation, and perspective the historical value and limitation of revolutionary drama from her drama creation practice.


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