

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-17 07:10
[Abstract]:Baotu Spring is the first spring in Jinan, which is the first spring in the world, and it is also the first famous spring in ancient literature. Baotu Spring spring clear, sweet as juice, pedestrians often pass by with their hands to drink a handful of spring water. Seeing this, an old monk in the nearby Qianfo Temple took a broken bowl and placed it on the fountain platform, and people could use the broken bowl to scoop up the spring water. One day, a rich businessman to play in Baotu Spring, see people drink spring water with broken bowl, thinking: "such a beautiful place, how to put a broken bowl?" So he asked his entourage to buy a beautiful porcelain bowl for the old broken bowl. The rich businessman thought he had done a good deed.


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