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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-12 21:09
[Abstract]:Since the 1950s, Li Qingzhao has repeatedly become a hot spot in academic circles, focusing on the issue of ci as a family, comments on ci writers in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the writing time of ci Theory, etc., but so far, There is still a difference between the words and the people. The author thinks that the work of "ci Theory" is really influenced by Sumen's criticism of ci, so it does not absorb Sumen's views, and the writing time should also be taken up before the marriage of Qing Dynasty. The first sentence of < ci Theory > says "Yuefu" is the generation of "song". The book Wen Xin Diao long Yuefu, "Sound Poems" refers to melody and lyrics. " The other is that the word is derived from the song, and its connotation should not only be based on the Synergy, nor is it only determined whether the word is known or not. "ci Theory" or "Chao's unblamed comment" is most likely to be found in Chao's book, "the Pei Theory." The book is distributed in the form of transcripts, among which Chao, and Li Qingzhao's ci Theory are Wu Zeng's income, "can change Zhai", Hu Tsai "Tiaoxi Yucong", and so on, which have been handed down to this day.
【作者單位】: 清華大學(xué)中文系;


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

1 費(fèi)秉勛;李清照《詞論》新探[J];西北大學(xué)學(xué)報(哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)版);1985年02期

2 周桂峰;;李清照《詞論》“托名偽作”說尚難成立[J];汕頭大學(xué)學(xué)報;1988年04期

3 周桂峰;李清照《詞論》三解[J];淮陰師專學(xué)報;1995年02期

4 梁懷超;;試論李清照《詞論》之藝術(shù)成因[J];作家;2010年02期

5 王昊;論李清照《詞論》的女性主義話語立場[J];吉林大學(xué)社會科學(xué)學(xué)報;2001年02期

6 王振泰;從《詞論》與《閑情賦》看中國古典文學(xué)研究[J];鞍山師范學(xué)院學(xué)報;2001年04期

7 胡學(xué)琦;對李清照《詞論》批評晏、歐、蘇三家的理解[J];江蘇石油化工學(xué)院學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版);2001年01期

8 黃雪芳;李清照《詞論》三題[J];呼蘭師專學(xué)報;2002年03期

9 朱崇才;李清照《詞論》寫作年代辨[J];南京師大學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版);2003年06期

10 郝元菲;讀李清照《詞論》[J];安順師范高等專科學(xué)校學(xué)報(綜合版);2003年01期

相關(guān)重要報紙文章 前1條

1 郭鋒;李清照《詞論》新解[N];光明日報;2006年

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 陳麗丹;李清照《詞論》研究析評與詩學(xué)思想再探[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2015年

2 李春明;現(xiàn)存李清照《詞論》首句標(biāo)點(diǎn)解讀之疏證[D];吉林大學(xué);2016年

3 戶伯濤;李清照《詞論》研究之批評[D];東華理工大學(xué);2012年





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