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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-13 07:31
[Abstract]:In the history of ci studies in Tang and Song dynasties, there was an evolution process in the understanding of ci style: Ouyang Jiao's "Flower Collection and narration" was to the five dynasties when the literati's ci was flourishing, and Li Qingzhao's "ci Theory" was at the time of the key period of the debate of poetry and ci in the North and South Song dynasties. Shen Yifu's "Yuefu Mystery" in the late Southern Song Dynasty, which was shaped on the desk and influenced by folk music, the three documents accurately grasped the new changes in the development of ci style at the key nodes of the development of the history of these words. This paper analyzes and generalizes the new characteristics of contemporary ci-style, and gives some instructive opinions on the future creation. These three documents clearly outline the development path of the history of ci studies in Tang and Song dynasties, which represents the highest achievement of the view of ci poetry at that time and has the significance of milestone in the history of ci studies in Tang and Song dynasties.
【作者單位】: 南開大學文學院;


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2 高梨,




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