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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-12 19:58
[Abstract]:Zhao Qingge is an accomplished and influential writer in the history of modern Chinese literature. According to incomplete statistics, in her more than 60 years of writing career, she has created more than 50 works, such as novels, drama scripts, film scripts, theoretical works and prose works. He has been the editor of nearly 10 kinds of periodicals and series, such as Women's Culture, Elastic Flower and so on, and has collaborated with Lao She, Zuo Ming, Hong Shen and other playwrights in many plays, such as "Wang Tigers", "it is hard for the younger sister" and so on. Especially in the war of resistance, Zhao Qingge was an important female playwright at that time, whose works were worth paying attention to both in quantity and quality. Zhao Qingge, as a woman writer who was active in Chongqing literary circles during the Anti-Japanese War, responded positively to the call of the times of "the War of Resistance against Literature" at that time. During this period, he created a large number of works, especially the drama. During the 14 years from 1931 to 1945, Zhao Qingge wrote two theoretical works and 25 works of drama, which were affirmed by Tian Han, Yang Hansheng and other famous dramatists. The 25 plays have different themes, but the overall tone is to promote the idea of anti-Japanese war and encourage more young people to join the war. In addition, as a female writer, Zhao Qingge also brought his delicate female perspective and progressive female thought into the drama works, which made these plays more valuable for research. Both in theory and in the process of practical script writing, she fully grasped the main melody of the Anti-Japanese War era and also grasped the conflict of characters in the stage play. However, the academic circle once bloomed the female playwright is very few, the related thesis monograph is also very few. Under this background, this thesis chooses the historical stage of the War of Resistance against Japan to study the drama creation during the period of Zhao Qingge's War of Resistance, which has certain academic significance. This article is divided into the following three parts: first, the theme of the drama during the Anti-Japanese War; second, the art of the drama during the Anti-Japanese War; third, the value and significance of the drama creation during the Anti-Japanese War.


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