

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-12 16:55
[Abstract]:Yi Jian Zhi is an important collection of strange stories in the Song Dynasty, which was completed by Hongmai for more than 60 years. It is voluminous and extensive. It covers all kinds of things: imperial examinations, handicraft activities, genie spirits, strange things, doctors and medicine, and so on. The book has been widely circulated since its publication. Since the 1990s, the study of Yi Jian Zhi has gradually increased, but it focuses on the life of Hong Mai, the edition of Yi Jian Zhi and the folk customs, religious beliefs and story changes of Song Dynasty. There are more than 600 dream related works in Yi Jian Zhi, which account for 1/5 of the book, and the quantity is huge and the content is rich, which reflects the society of Song Dynasty from many aspects and angles. The perfection of the imperial examination system in Song Dynasty and the thought of prefixed branch name had a great influence on the concept and behavior of the scholars in Song Dynasty. The religious belief of Song Dynasty was gradually secularized, especially the thought of fruit retribution affected every aspect of Song people's life. In addition, because of the uniqueness of dream story, Hong Mai uses both omniscient and restricted perspective, which makes the story vivid and tortuous. The thesis is divided into six parts: introduction: a brief introduction to the life of Hong Mai and the edition of Yi Jian Zhi, to clarify the reason for the topic of the thesis, and to summarize the relevant research results in academic circles, thus clarifying the significance and value of this paper. Chapter one: starting from the dream of life and death, and the dream of honor and disgrace, the author classifies the stories of Yi Jian Zhi into two categories: one is about the dream of life and death, and the other is about the blessing of life and death. We can see the fear of death in a disorderly society. Second, the dream about the official career of the imperial examination, whether it is the success or failure of the imperial examination or the official career of the poor, has an important relationship with the imperial examination system of the Song Dynasty and the fatalism thought of the prefixed branch name. Chapter II: the main study of channeling dreams, dreams with its special characteristics of free space and time to communicate the relationship between human beings and gods, spirits, from these dream stories, It can be seen that the secularization of religious belief in the Song Dynasty and the influence of the concept of retribution on the thought and daily life of the Song people. The third chapter: the main research into the ghost dream, through the study of ghosts from people to life, ghosts dream of burial, as well as the description of the Ming Dynasty, to explore the good and evil retribution and the impact of the theory on the Song people. The author's creative psychology of persuading people to do good and the thought of "returning the soul to the hometown" and "returning to the roots of the fallen leaves" since ancient times in China. Chapter IV: from the perspective of narrative and narrative time to analyze the narrative art of dream works, Hong Mai not only used the omniscient perspective and limited knowledge perspective, but also used two perspectives in a single work. The narrative sequence of the works is varied, including sequence, prenarration and resuscitation. In terms of time distance, due to the characteristics of the novel, there are two main types of synopsis and scene, both interspersed and used to achieve a better narrative effect. The conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and points out the shortcomings of the paper.


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