

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-09 16:59
[Abstract]:As the core part of Chinese traditional view of destiny, the concept of fatalism has sprouted as early as in primitive society, and the feudal society gradually combined with religion and culture, and it is increasingly deeply rooted in people's ideology. The concept of fatalism not only influences people's daily life, but also plays a leading role in literature and opera creation. Taking "60 kinds of songs" as an example, there are as many as 51 works which embody the concept of fatalism. Not only a considerable number of works, almost including the classic works of the Ming Dynasty legend, but also all kinds of legendary works on the concept of fate are involved. In the works of "Sixty songs", there are many ways to predict the phenomenon of fatalism, including yG, divination, photography, dreams, signs, proverbs, idioms and so on. In some works, a variety of ways of prediction intertwined, enhanced the persuasion of the concept of fate, but also added mystery to the creation of legend. In the legendary works of "Sixty songs", the concept of fatalism is mainly embodied in many aspects, such as scientific research, official career, marriage, children, and the outcome of life. Love, marriage, and other aspects of life are doomed elements. The concept of fatalism is closely related to the plot structure and character shaping of the legendary works. In terms of the weaving and advancing of the story plot, the concept of fatalism not only promotes its development, but also hinders it sometimes. The concept of destiny can often serve as a point of view, revealing the theme and implying the role of the plot, adding an implicit beauty to the work, however, Some of the works clearly reveal the fate of the protagonist but the development of the story is relatively limited, so that the suspense set loss of color, the audience can not be completely satisfied, weakening the attraction and appeal of the play. As far as character shaping is concerned, the works in 60 kinds of songs show the different character profiles of different characters by creating two kinds of characters: the person who knows the destiny and the person who does not know the fate. In particular, the influence of fatalism on the communication between young men and women actually enriches the characters of the protagonists and heroines. The emergence of a large number of works embodying the concept of fatalism in the legend of the Ming Dynasty has its profound causes. First of all, the Confucian thought of "the dead have the destiny, the rich and the noble in heaven", the theory of karma in Buddhism and the Taoist theory of "bearing the burden" complement each other, which provides an opportunity for the further development of the concept of fatalism. Secondly, the Ming Dynasty scholar's destiny view and its biography "strange" creation pursue to guide their literature and the opera creation; Finally, the audience's acceptance of the concept of fatalism in drama works is also one of the important reasons to promote the phenomenon of fate in the creation of legend.


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