

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-10 23:44
[Abstract]:Looking at the historical process of the development and evolution of Chinese contemporary literature, it is not difficult to find that the "returning School" poetry derived from a specific historical period is a unique literary phenomenon in the 1870s and 1980s, whether in terms of its influence on later generations or at that time. Both have the necessity and rationality of their existence. With the development of the times and the progress of the society, people hope to re-examine the deeper value and significance of the poetry creation of "returning School" from the historical context. Therefore, it is necessary to make a further systematic discussion on the specific content of the poetry creation of the returning School by means of text reading, case study, comparative study and so on, based on the specific historical background and social environment. In order to explain its deeper artistic value, ideological connotation and social value, so as to give us a more just and objective understanding of this literary phenomenon and its influence on later generations. This paper focuses on the analysis of the artistic techniques, the expression of aesthetic ideal and the judgment of social value in the poetry creation of "returning School", through the time environment of the main body of poetry creation, its own experience and the characteristics of poetry creation, etc. To show the unique features of "returning School" poetry, thus reflecting the relationship between poetry and the times and the role of poets in poetry creation. In the part of ideological implication, it is emphasized that the poetry of "returning School" is not only an artistic representation of the history at that time, but also has the value and significance for future generations and even today. Through the discussion and analysis of the poetry creation of "returning School", we can avoid narrow and one-sided interpretation, which is helpful to draw lessons from history, face the future and make suggestions for the development of poetry today.


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