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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 12:59
[Abstract]:Some problems in the knowledge innovation of contemporary Chinese literary theory are considered with the theory of cultural consciousness. " As an important concept with rich ideological connotation and outstanding methodological significance, cultural consciousness "provides profound enlightenment for contemporary literary theory knowledge innovation from a new angle of view." The theory of cultural consciousness reflects a universal reflection in the orientation of ideology and method. This modern hermeneutical principle is helpful to promote the literary theory to constantly reflect on and examine the history of its own development. Through literary practice, the validity and social effect of theory are questioned, which constitutes the internal motive force of contemporary knowledge innovation. " The core of the theory of cultural consciousness is to promote the independent transformation of local culture. This kind of autonomous transformation not only includes the value consciousness of method choice, but also embodies the systematic construction of modern knowledge form for the development of literary theory. To become an important criterion for knowledge innovation. The conscious understanding of the status, characteristics and value of national culture is the goal of the theory of "cultural consciousness" and constitutes the intrinsic value pursuit of knowledge innovation in contemporary Chinese literary theory. Combined with the Noumenon connotation, characteristics and experience of the ancient Chinese literary theory, this paper probes into how to transform the modernity of ancient literary theory and how to utilize the traditional ideological resources effectively in the knowledge innovation of contemporary Chinese literary theory.
【作者單位】: 陜西師范大學(xué)文學(xué)院;


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