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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-07 07:48
[Abstract]:To sum up and reflect on the achievements and deficiencies of contemporary Chinese literature and art theory research and discipline development in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, to perceive the reality and the spirit of the times with keen theoretical tentacles, and to set out again on the basis of the existing achievements. On the basis of inheriting and developing the spirit of Chinese excellent traditional literature, it is an important issue in the current study of literary theory to continue to write a new chapter in the development of contemporary Chinese literary theory. The development of Chinese ideology and culture presents a new value reference for our reflection. In the process of reflection, such problems as what literary theory is, how to strengthen the guiding position of Marxism, how to criticize "literature and art chaos", persist in problem-oriented consciousness, and find the value and significance of traditional resources in the process of integration between ancient and modern times, and so on. It should be the focus of our thinking and exploration.
【作者單位】: 中國社會科學院外國文學研究所;中國社會科學院研究生院;


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