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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 15:55
[Abstract]:As we all know, the literary classic Journey to the West, like Water margin and Romance of the three Kingdoms, belongs to the accumulated works of generations. The story of traveling to the west from the beginning of Xuanzang Tianzhu seeking the true story of Buddhism to the birth of the ultimate god and devil novel Journey to the West has undergone a thousand years of evolution, and the content of the story has been widely disseminated in different forms during the process of evolution. Wu Chengen, a great writer in Ming Dynasty, finally established his unshakable position in the form of novels. With the progress of science and technology, the story of Western Tour reappeared in the public with the new form of film and TV drama, and continued to spread. Based on this background, this thesis attempts to take the evolution of the westward travel story (from the historical events of Xuanzang's scriptures to all the western-traveling stories during the period of Wu Chengen's edition of Journey to the West) and its film and television adaptation as the main research direction, combining with the relevant knowledge of communication. Based on the analysis of the characteristics, methods and ways of spreading the stories in different periods, this paper summarizes the evolution of the stories and the relationship between the carriers, and probes into the influence of the film and television adaptation on the stories of the western tour. Therefore, the paper mainly expounds from three aspects: first, combined with history, according to the order of time, combing all the changes of the story from the beginning to the formation of the novel "Journey to the West". An analysis of the evolution of the four protagonists in the novel. Secondly, this paper analyzes the communication modes and characteristics of the stories of Western Tour in four different communication genres, such as vulgar speech, Yuan zaju and novels, and probes into the interaction between various literary genres and stories of westward travel from the angle of communication. Finally, this paper discusses the adaptation of novels "Journey to the West" in the era of mass media such as computer, animation, TV series and movies, and analyzes the realistic significance of movies and TV dramas to the dissemination of novels.


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