

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-01 16:00
[Abstract]:This thesis aims to explore the author's spiritual dynamics and creative ideas under the changing context of the times, combining with the research of Wang Lin's text creation and criticism theory, and to analyze the complex interaction between Wang Lin's works and his cultural context dynamically and stereoscopically. It is hoped that through the case study of Wang Lin, the times and the creation of Wang Lin will be closely combined to excavate some ideas that have been criticized in the construction of the new literary and artistic order, and to reflect deeply on the times, writers and literature. Politics and many other factors in the creative process of how to influence and dialogue. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter mainly analyzes the creative activities of Wang Lin's novels under the turning of the times, including the characteristics of Wang Lin's novels and the analysis of characters. Mainly divided into three sections, the first section mainly analyzes Wang Lin's early vernacular novels, through all kinds of bottom image shaping and character portrayal, to ancient China's rural areas for the real writing; The second section describes Wang Lin changed from rural narrative to revolutionary speech after the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, depicting various characters on the land in the middle of Hebei under the arduous struggle. The third section mainly expounds the transformation of Wang Lin's creation after the founding of New China. The second chapter mainly analyzes Wang Lin's creation mentality and idea in the process of creation transformation. The first section is mainly divided into two sections. The first section analyzes the writer's active adjustment and difficult integration in the process of transformation to reflect the confusion and persistent creative spirit faced by the writer under the transition of the times and to understand the writer's complex creative state. The second section mainly discusses Wang Lin's unique features in his creative practice, including heroic portrayal, realism and so on. The third chapter mainly expounds the fate of Wang Lin's marginalization under the historical trend of the construction of new literary and artistic order and the enlightenment of Wang Lin's case to the present literature. This chapter is mainly divided into three sections. The first section expounds the requirements of the new literary and artistic order in the process of construction. The second section mainly analyzes the dislocation of Wang Lin's literary creation and literary order construction. The third section reorientates Wang Lin and his works from the perspective of rewriting the history of literature, and then analyzes the beneficial enlightenment of Wang Lin's case to the present literature.


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