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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 15:44
[Abstract]:Qi Zhiluan was born in Ming Xianzong in 19 years (1483), died in Ming Shizong Jiajing thirteen years (1534), Tongcheng is the first Hanlin in history. Qi for Zhengde Xinwei (1511) second division of 17, the Academy of Hanlin Shushi, after all the punishment, officials, soldiers to the matter. Jiajing first year (1522) was relegated to the Jiaxing government Chongde Cheng, then transferred to Changxing County, Qingzhou Tongzhi and other places. Jiajing (1529) has been promoted to Shaanxi and other places, such as Ningxia, the official grain, Tiedu, Qingyang, and other seven Wei Tun soldiers prepared salt law legitimate affairs, three years after the expiration of the official Henan, Shandong and other places. Eunuchs nearly 20 years, as officials clean and sound, praised by the people. Qi as an official youdao, writing poetry can also be noted. There are mainly four volumes of his works Rong Chuan Collection, three volumes into the summer record, and so on. The former includes a volume of Zheng de Jimao (1519) from Zhu Chen, king of Jiangxi Province, who wrote the book "the Southern Expedition", a volume written by Jiajing Wuzi (1528) by Yu Nanyong, and a volume of "Kaiyan Collection" made when he went to the Anqing Palace. The book is divided into three volumes: the middle, the next, the poem, the next, the narrative, and the recorded time from Jiajing eight years (1529) to Jiajing eleven years (1532). The earliest edition of his works is that of Kangxi 20 years (1681) Qishan leisurely Pavilion, in addition to Guang Xu 23 years (1897) Tongcheng Xu Zongliang reprinted, in 1996 (1917) lead printing. Other lost writings Zhengde Gengwu (1510) Yu Nanyong's "Samadhi record", Ren Changxing to know the county when the publication of "Tang Yulin". Qi respected the Tang and Song schools, which had a great influence on the formation and development of the style characteristics of Tongcheng poetry in the late Ming Dynasty, so they were called the ancestor of Tongcheng poetry. At present, there is no special research on Qi's life and writings, so this paper intends to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis of his life, official duties and writings, taking the Kangxi Book Collection of Shanxi University Library, which was photocopied by Qilu Book Company in 1997, as the base. Taking Guang Xu's reengraved edition and the lead printed edition of the Republic of China as reference, the author fully studies the contents of his poems and essays and their implications, and outlines Qi's life as a whole, and provides reference materials for the scholars' related research.


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3 汪祚民;;安慶府志修纂考論[J];安慶師范學院學報(社會科學版);2008年11期

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