

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-31 20:46
[Abstract]:In the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, why did the literary personage turn into the novel from the history of the classics, which is closely related to the life state of his wandering in the "Tai Pavilion" and "Mountain Forest" from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty. If we say "lantern cutting new words", it reveals the dilemma between scholar and bureaucrat in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, and their life experience that they had to drift away from each other. However, Lin Jushen's poems have become the carrier of mourning for himself, or touching his palm and laughing in his bosom. Although the creation and dissemination of novels at that time was far less prosperous than that of Jiefang operas, however, the signs of the novel's emergence can still be traced back to Yang Weizhen and other people's false novels in the late Yuan Dynasty. It is connected with the efforts of the government in the early Ming Dynasty to transform the novel with the connotation of Confucianism, that is, it has a rather similar historical background to the prosperity of the Yongxuan Jiefang drama. However, this prosperity lasted for a long time, the orthodox seven-year emperor Li Shimian ban on the novel, officially marked the decline of legend.
【作者單位】: 華東師范大學(xué)中文系;


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