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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-31 16:35

  本文選題:王國維 + 境界說 ; 參考:《河北大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Realm is an important category of Chinese philosophy and Chinese aesthetics. When the Chinese and Western cultures collide with each other, Wang Guowei puts forward the realm theory combined with the aesthetics of China and the West. Wang Guowei's theory of realm is closely related to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in Chinese philosophy, Schopenhauer and Schiller in western philosophy. In Wang Guowei's view, the realm in literary research is to create true scenery and true feelings. Wang Guowei puts forward three pairs of categories through the study of different angles of realm theory, that is, "creation" and "writing", "with me" and "without self", "separated" and "not separated". Each pair of categories "creation", "no self-state", "do not separate" is the realm of higher. The core connotation of Wang Guowei's realm theory is "truth": on the one hand, the content and feelings that the author shows to the appreciator must be true, on the other hand, the author needs to have the noble quality of life to keep a pure heart. Wang Guowei's theory of realm is of great significance to Chinese aesthetics and literature. In Wang Guowei's thought, Wang Guowei not only regards realm as a writing technique or form of expression in literary creation, but also regards realm as a basic category in literature. It is regarded as the highest category in literature and the realm as the standard of appreciating the value of literature. In addition to literature, Wang Guowei's theory of realm is also of great significance to the improvement of man's moral accomplishment.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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