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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 17:28

  本文選題:左聯 + 文化啟蒙 ; 參考:《黨的文獻》2017年03期

[Abstract]:The mass movement of left-wing literature and art in the 1930 s played an important role in the history of revolutionary literary thought. From the May 4th New Literature to the 1920s revolutionary literature, and then through the mass movement of the left-wing literature and art in the 1930s to the new democratic literature and art in the 1940s, this is the vicissitude of the proletarian revolutionary literature and art. This movement promoted the masses to the subject and central issue of literary practice, emphasizing that literature and art "exist for the masses". Under the leadership of the Left-wing Federation, left-wing writers have carried out three ideological debates, involving the popular motivation, practical problems, practical approaches and the reform of Chinese characters from abstract to concrete issues. The historical mission of this movement was to complete the popularization of literature and art and to obtain the "modern stand" of literature, and achieved positive results. Being far from the masses and the political scene, the popular movement of literature and art has not yet formed a cultural force linking the masses with politics and promoting the political revolution.
【作者單位】: 中國人民大學國際關系學院;


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