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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 15:06

  本文選題: + 尺牘; 參考:《東南大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》2017年06期

[Abstract]:In the early Qing Dynasty, thousands of books were selected from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, which appeared one after another in a short period of time, which is a unique phenomenon in the history of book publication. These slips rooted in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties a large number of official correspondence, its coverage of time and space categories and specific sources of deep exploration value. From the point of view of time, the manuscripts are mainly from the period between the late period of Yu Ming Wanli and the early period of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty. From the regional point of view, they mainly come from Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the southeast, especially in Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou. Yangzhou and other central cities. The specific ways of collecting manuscripts include their own correspondence with friends, solicitation, contribution and donation, folk manuscripts, and other channels.
【作者單位】: 揚州大學文學院;揚州科技學院人文學院;
【基金】:江蘇省社會科學基金項目(16ZWB008) 江蘇省普通高校學術學位研究生科研創(chuàng)新計劃項目(KYLX-1327)成果之一




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