

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-21 01:43

  本文選題:南京 + 通俗小說(shuō)插圖 ; 參考:《四川師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Nanjing is a major publishing and engraving center in Ming Dynasty. The illustrations of popular novels published here have important research value: one is the evolution of illustration style, and the other is the relationship between illustration and text. This reflects the Ming Dynasty printmaking illustrations of the face and the evolution of the law. The research of this paper is as follows: the first chapter is the publication of illustrations of popular novels in Nanjing in Ming Dynasty. The reason for the prosperity of Nanjing is not only because Nanjing is the economic and cultural center of the Ming Dynasty, but also because of the loose cultural policy of the Ming government, the convenient transportation and the gathering of talents in Nanjing. According to the author statistics, the Ming Dynasty Nanjing 25 calligraphy workshops published a total of 45 popular novels. The second chapter, illustrative style and evolution of Nanjing popular novels in Ming Dynasty, is the focus of this paper. Since Zheng Zhenduo, scholars believe that illustrations have regional characteristics, such as "Jian'an style", "Jin Ling style", "Hui style" and so on, and the illustration style is determined by the engraver. However, the style of illustrations in Nanjing is not unique to Nanjing, and the formation of illustrations is not decided by engraving workers. This means that we have to abandon the inherent conclusions and re-understand the illustration style. This paper not only distinguishes and analyzes Zheng Zhenduo's theory of illustration style, that is, "engraving theory" and "region theory", but also compares the illustrations of popular novels, opera prints, folk New year paintings and poetry collections in other regions at that time. Tracing back to the source, the true style of illustrations in Nanjing popular novels is for folk art style and painter style. The reason why the illustrations of popular novels in Nanjing evolved from folk art style to painter style is because of the role of book owners and the promotion of social and economic factors. The third chapter, the relationship between illustrations in Nanjing popular novels, is also the focus of this paper. Because the illustrations of popular novels in Nanjing are composed of two parts: drawing and drawing, its graphic and text relations include the relation between drawing and the relation between picture and text. At present, the academic circles are basically studying whether the drawing is consistent with the text, and how the drawing is consistent with the text, and these are all the contents of the research on the relationship between the drawing and the text. As for the other part of the illustrations of popular novels in Nanjing, few people ask questions, and the relationship between pictures and texts is neglected. Moreover, the graphic relation of illustrations in Nanjing popular novels is not an abstract concept in itself. It is reflected by drawing and drawing, and the essence of the relationship lies behind it, which is the "external appearance" and "internal mechanism" of the picture-text relationship. However, this is also ignored. In view of this, this paper not only makes clear how to study the graphic and textual relationship of illustrations in Nanjing popular novels, but also finds effective research methods, that is, the theory of intertextuality and the theory of graphology. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between graphic drawing and graphic text of illustrations in Nanjing popular novels by "external presentation", and analyze its "internal mechanism" through the theory of intertextuality and pictography.


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