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  本文選題:《史記》 + 先唐詩歌。 參考:《安徽師范大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The Historical Records, which combines the historiography and the literariness, not only affects the ancient Chinese narrative literature and prose works, but also affects the poetry creation. The study of the influence of Historical Records on the poetry of the early Tang Dynasty can not only fully explore the poetic characteristics of the Book of History, but also provide clues for exploring the overall style and features of the ancient poetry, and then for the study of poetry. The performance and law of history mutual infiltration provide reference. Introduction: first, discuss the significance of the topic; second, review the research status quo of the topic, define the scope of this study; third, summarize the spread of "Records of the historian" before the Tang Dynasty, to provide a literature basis for the discussion of later articles. The first chapter discusses the poetic characteristics of the Book of History. By discussing the acceptance of the Book of songs of Chu, the poetic origin of the Book of History is traced, and the poetic characteristics of the Book of History are revealed through the interpretation of the essence, poetic thinking, poetic language and artistic conception of poetry. The second chapter discusses the acceptance of the poetic spirit in the first Tang Dynasty. By comparing the Historical Records with other poetic works, this paper reveals the characteristics of the recorded spirit, the immortal spirit and the indignant spirit of the Historical Records, and then discusses the poems of the first Tang Dynasty, the poems that hurt and disorderly, the poems that actively express their aspirations and the poems that satirize and express their feelings. The inheritance of the poetic spirit of Records of the historian. The third chapter, the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter, selects the three kinds of poetry subject matter which is greatly influenced by the Records of the historian, carries on the concrete but slight discussion. Chapter three: discuss the influence of the Historical Records on the prehistoric poems of Tang Dynasty. In the process of drawing materials from the Historical Records, it expands the character image of the Historical Records by chanting, commenting and expressing the feelings of the historical people and events. Chapter four: discuss the influence of Historical Records on the Xia poem of the Tang Dynasty. Si Maqian's foresight and prowess about the virtues of the Ranger led to the rise and prosperity of the Ranger poem. The poems of Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties show the personality of the Ranger in the Records of History through the description of the Ranger who is cynical, loyal and loyal to the country. Chapter five: discuss the influence of Historical Records on Frontier Fortress Poems in the Tang Dynasty. The image of battlefield hero and ranger created by Si Maqian provides a reference for the portrayal of the characters in frontier fortress poems, and Ma Qian boldly exposes the critical spirit of military contradictions. It leads to the reflection of the contradictions in the army in the frontier fortress poems, and the frontier fortress picture and the solemn and stirring scenes described in the Records of the History affect the generous and desolate description of the environment in the frontier fortress poems. Conclusion: on the basis of summing up the acceptance of Shi Ji in the poetry of the former Tang Dynasty, this paper further discusses the expression and influence of the mutual permeation of poetry and history.


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