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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 01:09

  本文選題:詩江湖 + 當(dāng)代詩歌; 參考:《文藝爭鳴》2017年09期

[Abstract]:Professor Zhang Qinghua has put forward "the geographical aesthetics of contemporary poetry". Similar work has been done since the end of the 20th century, but almost all of this work has been done in the sense of literary history ratification. For example, Professor Chen Sihe's "folk" potential writing "and" drawer literature "and so on, such as Professor Hong Tzu Cheng's" outside the mainstream "alternative writing, such as Yang Jian's" 1966-1976 underground literature. " Through their efforts, the contemporary literature, especially the literature of "seventeen years" and "the Cultural Revolution", was repaired and colonized, and then the history of contemporary Chinese literature was described on the complete literary map. In contrast to these work, Professor Zhang Qinghua's work continued with Xu Jing in 1986.
【作者單位】: 南京師范大學(xué)文學(xué)院;


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1 賈變變;網(wǎng)絡(luò),詩歌重生的翅膀?[N];光明日報;2012年





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