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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-19 09:44
【摘要】:綜觀我國茶產(chǎn)業(yè)與市場的全局,從茶資源、茶營銷到茶品牌、茶文化等系列現(xiàn)狀來看,其“品牌”茶建設(shè)和茶營銷理念的落后已成為我國茶產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的薄弱環(huán)節(jié),在如今品牌營銷盛行的大環(huán)境下,沒有品牌就沒有市場占有率,沒有品牌就沒有競爭力,沒有品牌就沒有國際影響力。鑒于此并結(jié)合其長遠(yuǎn)發(fā)展來看,茶行業(yè)打造消費(fèi)者寵愛的茶品牌,實(shí)際上就是打造一種符合市場需求、現(xiàn)代生活方式與國際趨勢發(fā)展的品牌體驗(yàn)。同時(shí),積極地實(shí)施茶品牌的培育和推廣,也是對建設(shè)具有中國特色的茶葉品牌企業(yè)未來走向世界,無不具有前瞻性意義。因此,本文在廣告學(xué)、品牌學(xué)、營銷學(xué)視域下,運(yùn)用文獻(xiàn)分析法、個(gè)案分析法、實(shí)證調(diào)查法等研究方法,對福建武夷星大紅袍品牌市場推廣進(jìn)行研究。 大紅袍是我國武夷巖茶類的杰出代表,擁有著悠久的發(fā)展歷史,其一路走到今天,并作為武夷星公司的主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)品品牌,它煥發(fā)出了新的生命力。另外,社會(huì)的發(fā)展變化也讓我們看到,大紅袍在走向大眾消費(fèi)者時(shí),也面臨著諸多不確定環(huán)境因素。因此,從茶產(chǎn)業(yè)政策、經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境、文化環(huán)境、競爭者因素、消費(fèi)者因素和游資炒作大紅袍這些層面進(jìn)行分析,來闡述大紅袍所面臨的機(jī)遇與挑戰(zhàn)。作為國家農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化的龍頭企業(yè),武夷星公司從戰(zhàn)略高度對大紅袍品牌進(jìn)行了全方位設(shè)計(jì)和包裝,借助于差異化來進(jìn)行傳播:在品牌定位方面,利用大紅袍品質(zhì)不可復(fù)制和加工技術(shù)講究的特點(diǎn),進(jìn)行品質(zhì)定位;及大紅袍極具營養(yǎng)價(jià)值和保健功能,又進(jìn)行功效定位。在產(chǎn)品包裝及價(jià)位策略上,則把大紅袍統(tǒng)一按小包裝形式接觸消費(fèi)者,這是不同于其它巖茶企業(yè)的特色經(jīng)營。在從茶園到茶杯質(zhì)量全程跟蹤策略上,實(shí)行產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量可追溯制度,建立產(chǎn)品電子信息檔案,方便消費(fèi)者查詢;其不同于傳統(tǒng)的經(jīng)營模式,體現(xiàn)了武夷星公司品牌推廣中所樹立的標(biāo)桿作用。 武夷星公司為了推廣大紅袍品牌,采取了積極有效的整合營銷傳播策略。如:廣告媒介策略、事件營銷、文化營銷、茶旅營銷、會(huì)展?fàn)I銷及公關(guān)贊助等多種營銷方式,并進(jìn)行了這方面的創(chuàng)新。在事件營銷活動(dòng)中,武夷星大紅袍通過參加國家外事活動(dòng),,不僅提高了大紅袍的知名度,而且使影響力擴(kuò)展到全世界。在文化營銷活動(dòng)中,通過“印象大紅袍”全球公演,將茶葉與藝術(shù)相結(jié)合,實(shí)行跨界經(jīng)營,開創(chuàng)了我國乃至世界上茶葉品牌向全球擴(kuò)張的特色之路。至此,對武夷星大紅袍品牌的市場推廣作詳細(xì)而充分研究,以期能對其它產(chǎn)茶企業(yè)如何打造、推廣品牌提供參考和有益的借鑒。
[Abstract]:In view of the overall situation of tea industry and market in China, from the present situation of tea resources, tea marketing to tea brands and tea culture, the backward concept of "brand" tea construction and tea marketing has become a weak link in the development of Chinese tea industry. Under the prevailing environment of brand marketing, there is no market share without brand, no competition without brand, no international influence without brand. In view of this and its long-term development, the tea industry to create a favorite tea brand consumers, in fact, is to create a brand to meet the needs of the market, modern lifestyle and international trend development of the brand experience. At the same time, actively carrying out the cultivation and promotion of tea brand is of great significance to the construction of tea brand enterprises with Chinese characteristics in the future to the world. Therefore, in the field of advertising, branding and marketing, this paper uses literature analysis, case analysis, empirical investigation and other research methods to study the promotion of Wuyi Xingda Hongpao brand market in Fujian. Dahongpao is an outstanding representative of Wuyi rock tea in our country. It has a long history of development, and it is the leading product brand of Wuyi Star Company. In addition, the social development and change also let us see that Da Hong Pao also faces many uncertain environmental factors when it comes to mass consumers. Therefore, from the tea industry policy, economic environment, cultural environment, competitive factors, consumer factors and hot money speculation of Dahongpao these aspects of the analysis, to explain the opportunities and challenges faced by Da Hong Pao. As the leading enterprise of national agricultural industrialization, Wuyi Star Company designs and packages the brand of Dahongpao from the strategic height, and spreads with the aid of differentiation: in the aspect of brand positioning, The quality of Dahongpao can not be duplicated and the processing technology is exquisite to locate the quality, and the Dahong robe has nutritive value and health care function as well as efficacy orientation. In product packaging and price strategy, Dahongpao unified according to the form of small packaging contact with consumers, this is different from other rock tea enterprises. In the strategy of tracking the whole process from tea garden to cup quality, the system of traceability of product quality is carried out, and the electronic information file of product is established, which is convenient for consumers to inquire, and it is different from the traditional management mode. It reflects the role of benchmarking established in the brand promotion of Wuyi Star Company. Wuyi Star Company in order to promote the red robes brand, took an active and effective integrated marketing communication strategy. Such as: advertising media strategy, event marketing, cultural marketing, tea marketing, exhibition marketing and public relations sponsorship and other marketing methods, and has carried on the innovation in this respect. In the event marketing activities, Wuyi Star Dahong robe not only increased the popularity of Dahong robes, but also extended its influence to the whole world by participating in national foreign affairs activities. In the cultural marketing activities, through the global public performance of "impression Da Hong Pao", tea and art are combined to carry out cross-border management, which opens up the characteristic road of the global expansion of tea brands in our country and even in the world. So far, the market promotion of Wuyi Xingda Hongpao brand is studied in detail and fully, in order to provide reference and useful reference for other tea producing enterprises how to build and promote the brand.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 程長琴;;武夷山市茶產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展特征及對策研究[J];經(jīng)濟(jì)師;2013年03期




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