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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-17 12:30
【摘要】:伴隨著中國城市化進程與消費產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展,我國大中城市的商業(yè)綜合體建筑如雨后春筍般的大量涌現(xiàn)。不同形式不同類型的視覺廣告自然而然的出現(xiàn)在了商業(yè)綜合體建筑的外部及內(nèi)部空間,以最直接的方式?jīng)_擊著消費者的視野。出現(xiàn)在建筑內(nèi)外的視覺廣告肆意擴張,甚至已經(jīng)造成了一定程度的視覺污染。因此,對商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告之間的有機融合進行研究就很有必要和意義。 本論文以商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告的有機融合為研究內(nèi)容,在研究的過程中親身走訪實地調(diào)研,采用分析對比的方法對發(fā)放的問卷調(diào)查得到的數(shù)據(jù)整理歸納,對研究主體的各個層面細(xì)致劃分,充分運用相關(guān)學(xué)科的理論知識進行了整體系統(tǒng)的初步研究。 首先對商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告進行了簡單的概述,并闡述了商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告存在的問題及原因,接著對不同年齡段及不同收入層次的消費者就商業(yè)綜合體建筑及其內(nèi)外的視覺廣告組織問卷調(diào)查,分析調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)。然后從多個角度對西安民樂園萬達(dá)廣場及北京三里屯金銀街進行了認(rèn)真、詳細(xì)的分析,并主要從商業(yè)綜合體建筑所處的地域環(huán)境、地理位置、立面構(gòu)成、色彩構(gòu)成及視線分析這幾個方面總結(jié)和歸納出了商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告在信息層面、形式層面、技術(shù)層面上得以有機融合的設(shè)計原則?偨Y(jié)出了商業(yè)綜合體建筑外部空間和內(nèi)部空間與視覺廣告有機融合的設(shè)計方法,,最后結(jié)合實例介紹了實現(xiàn)上述設(shè)計方法的技術(shù)措施。 商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告的有機融合研究是一個值得深入的課題。本文的研究價值在于對商業(yè)綜合體建筑與視覺廣告有機融合的原則及設(shè)計方法進行了初步的研究,有利于城市規(guī)劃者和建筑設(shè)計師在對項目規(guī)劃定位和設(shè)計過程中有的放矢、有例可循、有規(guī)可依,因而是具有現(xiàn)實意義的。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's urbanization and consumer industry, the commercial complex buildings in large and medium-sized cities have sprung up in large numbers. Different forms and different types of visual advertising appear naturally in the external and internal space of the commercial complex building, and impact the consumer's vision in the most direct way. Visual advertising, which appears inside and outside the building, has even caused a certain degree of visual pollution. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to study the organic fusion between commercial complex architecture and visual advertising. This thesis takes the organic integration of commercial complex architecture and visual advertising as the research content, and in the process of the research, visits the field investigation personally, and uses the method of analysis and contrast to sort and summarize the data obtained from the questionnaire survey. The main body of the study is divided into different levels, and the theoretical knowledge of the relevant disciplines is used to make a preliminary study of the whole system. First of all, the paper gives a brief overview of the commercial complex architecture and visual advertising, and expounds the problems and causes of the commercial complex architecture and visual advertising. Then the survey is conducted on the commercial complex building and the visual advertising inside and outside of the commercial complex by consumers of different age groups and different income levels, and the survey data are analyzed. Then, the Wanda Square of Xi'an Minyue Garden and the Jinyin Street of Sanlitun, Beijing, were carefully analyzed from many angles, and mainly from the regional environment, geographical location, and facade composition of the commercial complex buildings. This paper summarizes and summarizes the design principles of the combination of commercial complex architecture and visual advertising in information, form and technology. This paper summarizes the design method of the combination of exterior space and interior space of commercial complex building and visual advertisement, and finally introduces the technical measures to realize the above design method with an example. The research on the organic integration of commercial complex architecture and visual advertising is a subject worthy of further study. The research value of this paper lies in the preliminary research on the principles and design methods of the organic integration of commercial complex architecture and visual advertising, which is beneficial to urban planners and architects in the process of project planning positioning and design. There are examples to follow and rules to follow, so it is of practical significance.


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4 馮路;導(dǎo)言:表皮內(nèi)外[J];建筑師;2004年04期

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6 周正楠;關(guān)于建筑傳媒手段的思考[J];建筑學(xué)報;2000年09期

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