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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-16 10:46
【摘要】:在城市化快速發(fā)展的今天,城市間的競爭日益激烈,城市間的競爭由經(jīng)濟(jì)硬實力轉(zhuǎn)向了對城市軟實力的競爭,城市開始注重作為城市軟實力的城市形象的塑造和提高。城市宣傳片作為城市形象營銷的手段之一,逐漸成為各個城市競相模仿的形式。近年來,隨著城市宣傳片的數(shù)量不斷增加,再加上城市宣傳片傳播者的官方性和拍攝投資費(fèi)用高等特點,城市宣傳片作為城市形象的傳播活動,足以引起我們對它的重視。 通過對相關(guān)城市宣傳片的研究理論進(jìn)行整理發(fā)現(xiàn),目前學(xué)界認(rèn)為城市宣傳片存在的問題主要集中在內(nèi)容同質(zhì)化、表現(xiàn)形式缺乏創(chuàng)意、媒體選擇不當(dāng)?shù)确矫?并對此提出了相應(yīng)的解決方案。殊不知,這些問題的根源在于對城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意把握不準(zhǔn)確,以及沒有把城市宣傳片放在城市發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略中,進(jìn)行全方位的考慮其傳播方法。 因此,本文以城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意與傳播謀略為核心,主要分為三章。緒論部分主要闡述論文的研究背景與選題意義,以及相關(guān)理論的研究綜述。 第一章從城市宣傳片的主要類型和作用,傳播機(jī)制和傳播特點方面開始研究,并在此基礎(chǔ)上對城市宣傳片的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和出現(xiàn)的問題進(jìn)行總結(jié)分析。 第二章從城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意追求角度進(jìn)行研究,城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意來源于對城市文化和城市精神的體現(xiàn)。首先,城市宣傳片本身就是一部城市文化的縮影,濃縮了城市獨(dú)特的自然環(huán)境、歷史足跡、文化藝術(shù)和生存狀態(tài)。其次,城市宣傳片還是對城市精神的濃縮,主要體現(xiàn)在對城市文化靈魂和時代精神的張揚(yáng)。另外,城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意還體現(xiàn)在城市宣傳片對受眾的藝術(shù)召喚。通過召喚結(jié)構(gòu),使受眾的審美期望與城市宣傳片所體現(xiàn)的城市美相融合,讓受眾體會到城市所散發(fā)的城市精神和魅力。 第三章提出了城市宣傳片的傳播謀略。首先城市宣傳片的傳播主題提煉要以城市發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃為依據(jù),挖掘準(zhǔn)確的城市形象定位,打造城市的主題文化品牌。其次,城市宣傳片的傳播渠道要根據(jù)傳播訴求以及媒介性質(zhì)的不同,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膫鞑ッ浇?傳播渠道的多樣性,決定了在傳播過程中還要注意對媒介的優(yōu)化組合以及對傳播渠道的整合。另外,城市宣傳片傳播過程的階段化和連續(xù)化,有利于收到良好的傳播效果。 結(jié)語:對論文研究方向進(jìn)行總結(jié)。 本文融合了傳播學(xué)、城市營銷學(xué)、文藝心理學(xué)、美學(xué)、廣告學(xué)等相關(guān)學(xué)科領(lǐng)域的基本理論,通過對相關(guān)理論的學(xué)習(xí)和借鑒,對城市宣傳片的基本概況、發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、問題瓶頸、創(chuàng)意追求、傳播謀略等多方面進(jìn)行分析、研究和論證。本文在研究方法上主要通過運(yùn)用個案分析法、比較分析法、文獻(xiàn)分析法等傳播學(xué)研究方法,對我國城市宣傳片的創(chuàng)意與傳播進(jìn)行研究。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization, the competition between cities is becoming increasingly fierce. The competition between cities has changed from hard economic power to the competition of urban soft power. Cities begin to pay attention to the shaping and improvement of the image of cities as the soft power of cities. As one of the means of the city image marketing, the city propaganda film has gradually become the form of each city competing to imitate each other. In recent years, with the increasing number of city propaganda film, plus the city propaganda film disseminator official and high investment costs, urban propaganda film as a city image dissemination activities, enough to arouse our attention to it. Through the research theory of the related city propaganda film, it is found that at present, the problems existing in the city propaganda film are mainly concentrated in the homogeneity of the content, the lack of creativity in the form of expression, the improper choice of the media and so on. And put forward the corresponding solution to this problem. However, the root of these problems lies in the inaccuracy of the creative grasp of the city propaganda film, and the failure to put the city propaganda film in the urban development strategy, and to consider its dissemination method in all aspects. Therefore, this paper is mainly divided into three chapters based on the creativity and communication strategy of the city propaganda film. The introduction part mainly elaborates the research background and the topic selection significance of the thesis, as well as the related theory research summary. The first chapter begins to study the main types and functions of urban propaganda film, communication mechanism and characteristics, and on this basis, summarizes and analyzes the development status and problems of urban propaganda film. The second chapter studies the creative pursuit of city propaganda film, which originates from the embodiment of city culture and city spirit. First of all, the city propaganda film itself is a microcosm of urban culture, condensing the city's unique natural environment, historical footprint, culture and art and living state. Secondly, the city propaganda film is still concentrated on the urban spirit, mainly reflected in the promotion of the spirit of urban culture and the spirit of the times. In addition, the city propaganda film's creativity also manifests in the city propaganda film to the audience artistic summons. By calling on the structure, the aesthetic expectation of the audience and the city beauty reflected in the city propaganda film are combined, and the audience can realize the city spirit and charm that the city sends out. The third chapter put forward the city propaganda film dissemination strategy. Firstly, the theme extraction of the city propaganda film should be based on the strategic planning of the city development, excavate the accurate city image orientation, and create the theme culture brand of the city. Secondly, the communication channel of the city propaganda film should choose the appropriate media according to the communication appeal and the nature of the media; the diversity of the communication channel, In the process of communication, we should pay attention to the combination of media and the integration of communication channels. In addition, the stage and continuity of the spread process of the city propaganda film is beneficial to the good communication effect. Conclusion: summarize the research direction of this paper. This paper combines the basic theories of communication, urban marketing, literature and art psychology, aesthetics, advertising and other related disciplines, through the study and reference of relevant theories, the basic general situation of urban propaganda film, the current development situation, the bottleneck of problems, Creative pursuit, communication strategies and other aspects of analysis, research and demonstration. In this paper, through the use of case analysis, comparative analysis, literature analysis and other communication research methods, this paper studies the creativity and dissemination of urban propaganda films in China.


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1 沙雪斌;中國縣域文化產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究[D];曲阜師范大學(xué);2012年

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1 崔光月;經(jīng)濟(jì)欠發(fā)達(dá)地區(qū)的省會城市形象傳播研究[D];新疆大學(xué);2013年

2 劉亞群;試論中國城市形象廣告的嬗變[D];山東大學(xué);2013年

3 劉溪;中國城市形象宣傳片畫面與主題價值分析[D];西南交通大學(xué);2013年

4 張明軍;視覺語境下城市形象宣傳片的情感表達(dá)[D];西北大學(xué);2013年





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