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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-13 13:09
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, Weibo, as a new social network medium, has a rapid rise, every day has produced a huge amount of social data for users. As a main carrier of mobile social networking, Weibo is rich in content and high in data value. The identification and affective analysis of Weibo data can provide important reference for government public opinion monitoring, enterprise advertising, user behavior prediction and information decision-making. Weibo's affective analysis mainly consists of two elements: target phrase recognition and affective orientation analysis. Due to the scattered content of Weibo, identifying the subject of comment on blog has become a hot and difficult point in the affective analysis of Weibo. The research shows that the recognition of unrecorded words is one of the important factors leading to the low recognition rate of Chinese evaluation object phrases. Therefore, it is very important and meaningful to study the extraction method of Weibo evaluation phrase based on unrecorded word recognition. In this paper, the feature vectors of the unrecorded word recognition model are designed from three aspects: feature selection, classifier selection and feature template selection, to improve the recognition rate, and then the algorithm is applied to the evaluation object phrase recognition. The validity of the experiment is verified by Weibo's actual corpus. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. First, a statistical feature based on text word sequence, cohesion, left and right degrees of freedom is proposed as the feature of unrecorded word recognition, and then through naive Bayes, decision tree, logic regression, Support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (Ann) are the five classification algorithms to identify unrecorded words, and compare the recognition results. An artificial neural network classification algorithm with good recognition effect for unrecorded words is selected as the decision model of unrecorded words. (2) then, three symbols of BIO are introduced, and the conditional random field CRFs is used to transform the evaluation phrase recognition problem into the sequence tagging problem. When identifying the target phrase, the appropriate feature template is selected, and the unrecorded words generated by artificial neural network training are applied to the process of identifying the evaluation object phrase. 3. The data of one day of Sina Weibo is chosen as the data source of this paper. After manual tagging, the experiment of evaluating object phrase recognition is carried out. The experimental results show that the accuracy and recall rate of phrase extraction of evaluation objects can be significantly improved by adding the unrecorded words in Weibo text which is automatically recognized into the evaluation object phrase recognition algorithm based on CRFs.


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