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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-12 16:16
【摘要】:語言是傳遞信息和交流感情的手段,翻譯是一種語言用另一種語言重新表達(dá)出來的語言實(shí)踐活動(dòng),它是眾多語言活動(dòng)中的一種。隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)的高速發(fā)展以及全球經(jīng)濟(jì)一體化進(jìn)程的加快,我們的國際交流與合作領(lǐng)域不斷擴(kuò)大,對(duì)外商貿(mào)活動(dòng)也日益增加。語言是做好商貿(mào)工作的基本條件,而廣告作為產(chǎn)品的一種主要促銷手段早已經(jīng)成為現(xiàn)代人經(jīng)濟(jì)文化生活中不可缺少的一部分。隨著人們欣賞能力的提高以及對(duì)美的無限追求,詩歌這種高雅的語言藝術(shù)也已經(jīng)被引入到商業(yè)廣告領(lǐng)域,并以其獨(dú)特的文體特征“三美”---音美,形美和意美,起到了獨(dú)特的商業(yè)效果。這種新型廣告叫做詩型廣告,它是詩歌和廣告的集合體。詩型廣告對(duì)翻譯研究引出了更多的問題和難點(diǎn),同時(shí),它也為語言研究和翻譯研究提供了新的素材。 本文以許淵沖的三美原則為指導(dǎo),探討了詩型廣告翻譯。詩型廣告翻譯不再是傳統(tǒng)意義上的翻譯,它注重以語言美來增強(qiáng)譯文的廣告功能--通過詩性語言刺激消費(fèi)者的購買欲望,最終達(dá)到廣而告之促進(jìn)銷售的商業(yè)目的。而三美原則以再現(xiàn)原文的音美,形美和意美為準(zhǔn)則,以使譯文讀者知之,好之和樂之為目的,因此,它為解決詩型廣告翻譯的問題提供了嶄新而有效的方法。 本文包括以下五個(gè)章節(jié)。第一章首先闡述了本文的研究背景,研究意義以及本文的整體框架。第二章介紹了詩型廣告的定義,特征及其翻譯研究現(xiàn)狀,并闡釋了在翻譯過程中譯者所受到的各種制約以及對(duì)譯者的特別要求。第三章介紹了許淵沖其人以及其三美原則的理論背景,主要內(nèi)容和應(yīng)用優(yōu)點(diǎn)。第四章,作者在前幾章的基礎(chǔ)上,以三美原則為指導(dǎo),從詩型廣告翻譯中的幾對(duì)矛盾入手,包括科學(xué)與藝術(shù),真與美,刨與譯以及美的傳遞的解決等,,對(duì)詩型廣告翻譯的本質(zhì)和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行了一系列的探索。同時(shí),以翻譯實(shí)例為個(gè)案分析,探討了三美原則在詩型廣告翻譯領(lǐng)域中的應(yīng)用方法。此外,也歸納出三美原則應(yīng)用于詩型廣告翻譯的意義,即,有利于信息的傳遞,有利于讀者接受,有利于實(shí)現(xiàn)廣告的功能。第五章總結(jié)了本研究的主要發(fā)現(xiàn),并對(duì)本文的不足之處以及詩型廣告翻譯問題的進(jìn)一步研究作了闡述。
[Abstract]:Language is a means of transmitting information and exchanging feelings. Translation is a language practice reexpressed in another language, and it is one of many language activities. With the rapid economic development and the acceleration of the process of global economic integration, our international exchanges and cooperation fields are expanding, and foreign trade and trade activities are increasing day by day. Language is the basic condition for doing a good job in commerce and trade, and advertising, as a major means of promotion of products, has long been an indispensable part of modern economic and cultural life. With the improvement of people's appreciation ability and the infinite pursuit of beauty, the elegant language art of poetry has also been introduced into the field of commercial advertisement, and with its unique stylistic features, "three beauties"-sound beauty, form beauty and meaning beauty. Has played a unique commercial effect. This new type of advertising is called poetic advertising, it is a combination of poetry and advertising. Poetic advertising brings more problems and difficulties to translation studies, and it also provides new materials for language research and translation studies. Under the guidance of Xu Yuanchong's three-Beauty principle, this paper probes into the translation of poetic advertisements. Poetic advertising translation is no longer a traditional translation. It emphasizes the beauty of language to enhance the advertising function of the target text, which stimulates consumers' desire to buy through poetic language, and finally achieves the commercial purpose of promoting sales by advertising. The principle of "three Beauties" is based on the principle of reproducing the sound beauty, the form beauty and the meaning beauty of the original text, so as to make the target readers know about them and make them happy, so it provides a new and effective way to solve the problem of translation of poetic advertisements. This article includes the following five chapters. The first chapter describes the research background, research significance and the overall framework of this paper. The second chapter introduces the definition, characteristics and current situation of translation studies of poetic advertising, and explains the constraints on the translator and the special requirements for the translator in the process of translation. The third chapter introduces Xu Yuanchong's theory background, main content and application advantages. The fourth chapter, based on the previous chapters and guided by the principle of "three Beauties", starts with several pairs of contradictions in the translation of poetic advertisements, including science and art, truth and beauty, planing and translation, and the solution of the transmission of beauty, etc. This paper explores the nature and standards of translation of poetic advertisements. At the same time, the paper discusses the application of the three-beauty principle in the field of translation of poetic advertisements. In addition, the paper concludes the significance of the application of the three-beauty principle to the translation of poetic advertisements, that is, it is beneficial to the transmission of information, to the acceptance of readers and to the realization of the functions of advertisements. Chapter five summarizes the main findings of this study, and expounds the shortcomings of this study and the further research on the translation of poetic advertisements.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前9條

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1 肖鵬;功能翻譯理論途徑下的詩型廣告翻譯[D];華中師范大學(xué);2008年

2 陳嬌;詩型廣告漢譯的可行性原則:功能對(duì)等[D];中南大學(xué);2009年




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