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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-12 06:29
【摘要】:當今,營銷者面臨著信息同質化和消費者力量崛起的兩大挑戰(zhàn)。營銷者總是竭盡全力想要改進信息的內容,通過兜售獨特的賣點來說服消費者,卻被淹沒在同質化信息的大潮中,收效甚微。信息設計的形式和信息的內容同樣重要。本文認為采用敘事性信息,從信息的設計形式上著手突破,,可能能夠影響消費者的態(tài)度和行動意向,起到良好的效果。 本文利用實驗法來測試信息形式(敘事性信息和羅列性信息)對于消費者態(tài)度和行動意向的影響。具體來說,兩組被試者分別閱讀敘事性信息形式和羅列性信息形式的兩種巴厘島旅游宣傳手冊。所謂敘事性信息是指通過角色、時間和情節(jié)聯(lián)系起來的一系列事件,而羅列性信息只是事實的呈現(xiàn),并沒有角色、時間和情節(jié)。本研究繼承了西方學者的研究,在中文的情境下研究得出敘事性信息對消費者存在影響,補充了國內研究集中于解釋性分析廣告的敘事技巧,缺少實證的效果研究的不足。 本文發(fā)現(xiàn),當消費者對產(chǎn)品的購買動機較高,并較不熟悉該產(chǎn)品時,信息形式會影響消費者的行動意向。相比于羅列性信息,敘事性信息會使消費者更愿意考慮去巴厘島玩。在同樣的條件下,信息形式也會影響消費者對自身對于產(chǎn)品了解程度的認知。相比于羅列性信息,敘事性信息會使消費者認為自己更加了解巴厘島。本文還發(fā)現(xiàn),消費者對于信息本身(宣傳冊)的態(tài)度與對于品牌(旅行社)的態(tài)度呈現(xiàn)顯著正相關關系。 通過剖析敘事性信息的概念,并比較不同信息形式的效果,本文能夠為營銷信息的設計提供可靠、可行的建議,即在旅游信息的設計中,營銷者可以采取敘事性信息形式,以增加消費者購買的行動意向,在其他產(chǎn)品信息的設計中,營銷者可以將敘事性信息形式作為一種可能的途徑。
[Abstract]:Today, marketers face the challenges of information homogeneity and the rise of consumer power. Marketers always try their best to improve the content of information, by selling unique selling points to convince consumers, but are submerged in the tide of homogenous information, with little effect. The form of information design is as important as the content of information. This paper holds that the use of narrative information and breakthrough from the design form of information may influence the attitude and action intention of consumers and play a good role. This paper uses the experimental method to test the influence of information form (narrative information and listed information) on consumer attitude and action intention. Specifically, two groups of subjects read two Bali tourist brochures, narrative information form and listed information form. The so-called narrative information refers to a series of events connected by roles, time and plot, while the listing information is only the presentation of facts, and there is no role, time and plot. This study inherits the western scholars' research and concludes that narrative information has an impact on consumers in Chinese context, which complements the narrative skills of domestic research focused on explanatory analysis advertising, and lacks of empirical research on the effect of advertising. This paper finds that when consumers have a higher motivation to buy a product and are less familiar with the product, the form of information will affect the consumer's intention of action. Narrative information makes consumers more likely to consider going to Bali than listing it. Under the same conditions, the form of information will also affect the consumer's understanding of the product. Narrative information makes consumers think they understand Bali better than listing information. It is also found that there is a significant positive correlation between consumer attitude towards information itself (brochure) and brand (travel agency) attitude. By analyzing the concept of narrative information and comparing the effects of different information forms, this paper can provide reliable and feasible suggestions for the design of marketing information, that is, in the design of tourism information, marketers can take the form of narrative information. In order to increase consumers' purchasing intention, marketers can take narrative information form as a possible way in the design of other product information.


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