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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-09 20:22
【摘要】:近幾年,隨著互聯網的迅猛發(fā)展,傳統(tǒng)的廣告投放平臺逐漸失去其壟斷地位,而利用互聯網的廣告運作方式正沖擊著以報刊、雜志、電視和廣播為首的廣告平臺。據2012年的行業(yè)分析報告,中國的戶外廣告媒體收入已經成為僅次于電視的第二大廣告投放媒體。但是作為傳統(tǒng)的廣告媒體,戶外廣告暴露了諸多弊端,戶外廣告缺乏專業(yè)化的整合和操作,需要對現有的戶外廣告行業(yè)進行規(guī)劃和整合。一些企業(yè)洞察到了其中的價值所在,他們利用互聯網技術和傳統(tǒng)媒體的有效結合計劃打造專業(yè)的廣告投放平臺。 根據廣告行業(yè)的分析報告,2012年中國的戶外廣告市場超過100億人民幣,戶外媒體行業(yè)與互聯網結合的發(fā)展態(tài)勢也越來越明顯;互聯網的“介入”也正在改變行業(yè)的生態(tài)。本文描述的投影廣告系統(tǒng)是基于J2EE平臺SSH框架開發(fā)的多層應用的企業(yè)級應用系統(tǒng);該系統(tǒng)旨在為用戶提供更專業(yè)、更高效的廣告投放的一體化服務。本系統(tǒng)以MySQL作為后臺數據庫,Apache為流媒體服務器,SSH為系統(tǒng)整體框架,同時又引入了Android平臺,將其作為廣告播放端的應用平臺。 本文結合軟件開發(fā)的瀑布模型,通過對軟件開發(fā)過程中需求分析、概要設計、數據庫設計、詳細設計和系統(tǒng)實現的描述,闡述了一個多層應用的投影廣告系統(tǒng)的設計與實現。本文采用面向對象方法對系統(tǒng)進行分析和設計,并利用可視化建模技術UML建立系統(tǒng)的模型,然后以SSH為系統(tǒng)框架實現了投影廣告系統(tǒng)。本系統(tǒng)是基于web的多層B/S結構,不僅具有友好的界面,在系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)性、管理性和維護性方面也有很明顯的提高。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the traditional advertising platform has gradually lost its monopoly position, and the advertising operation mode using the Internet is impacting the advertising platform headed by newspapers, magazines, television and radio. China's outdoor advertising media has become the second largest advertising media after television, according to a 2012 industry analysis. However, as the traditional advertising media, outdoor advertising has exposed many drawbacks, outdoor advertising lack of professional integration and operation, need to plan and integrate the existing outdoor advertising industry. Some companies have seen the value of this, using an effective combination of Internet technology and traditional media to create a professional advertising platform. China's outdoor advertising market exceeded 10 billion yuan in 2012, according to an analysis by the advertising industry. The combination of the outdoor media industry and the Internet is also becoming increasingly apparent, and the "intervention" of the Internet is changing the industry's ecology. The projective advertising system described in this paper is an enterprise-level application system based on the SSH framework of J2EE platform, which aims to provide users with more professional and efficient integrated advertising services. This system takes MySQL as the background database and MySQL as the streaming media server as the whole frame of the system. At the same time, it introduces the Android platform and uses it as the application platform of the advertisement player. Based on the waterfall model of software development, this paper expounds the design and implementation of a multi-tier application projection advertising system through the description of requirement analysis, outline design, database design, detailed design and system implementation. In this paper, the object-oriented method is used to analyze and design the system, and the visual modeling technology UML is used to build the model of the system. Then, the projective advertising system is implemented with SSH as the system framework. This system is based on web multi-layer B / S structure, not only has friendly interface, but also has obvious improvement in development, management and maintainability of the system.


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