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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-08 21:36
【摘要】:除了視頻和音頻外,電視節(jié)目還包括字幕。在電視節(jié)目的創(chuàng)作過程中,創(chuàng)作和播放字幕的專用電視信號發(fā)生器和處理器就叫做字幕機,通常用字幕機在視頻上疊加圖像和文字信號,其目的是更進一步的說明電視節(jié)目內容,使電視畫面更加豐富生動。如電視屏幕左上角的臺標、通知、廣告、時標、人物對白、歌曲說詞,片尾演職員表等,它是現(xiàn)代電視節(jié)目中不可或缺的影視設備。 如今的字幕機,即電視字幕播出系統(tǒng),雖然可以完成基本功能,但已經不能滿足電視節(jié)目制作迅猛發(fā)展的需求。它已經暴露出很多缺點。比如字幕單獨播出,然后通過字幕機將播出的字幕信號疊加到視頻信號通道上;需要一臺獨立的字幕機且這種字幕機既顯得笨重,又非常的昂貴;疊加的字幕在視頻播出的期間不能進行隨意編輯更改;字幕系統(tǒng)不能定時播放字幕,不能滿足廣電行業(yè)自動化的要求等。針對當前的字幕機的缺點,研究室考慮研制一套字幕和視頻通過字幕疊加卡疊加播出的電視字幕系統(tǒng),研究室?guī)熜謬L試采用專用字幕疊加卡Blackmagic研制電視字幕播出系統(tǒng),但是字幕播出效果并不理想。 本課題在現(xiàn)有的電視字幕播出系統(tǒng)的研究分析的基礎上,設計了一套新的適應現(xiàn)實需求的字幕播出加疊加的電視字幕播出系統(tǒng),隨著硬件板卡的不斷升級,新系統(tǒng)選擇加拿大Matrox公司研制的Matrox SD100板卡作為字幕疊加卡,該板卡能夠實現(xiàn)字幕和視頻疊加播出;軟件選擇delphi7和Microsoft Visual2005為開發(fā)平臺,結合教研室開發(fā)的硬盤播出系統(tǒng),本課題研究的電視字幕播出系統(tǒng)能夠有效的解決現(xiàn)有問題,很好的實現(xiàn)了字幕和視頻的疊加播出,大大的提高電視臺的電視節(jié)目后期制作的工作效率。 首先本論文簡要介紹了字幕和字幕系統(tǒng),以及字幕系統(tǒng)國內外發(fā)展情況和研究現(xiàn)狀,并敘述了當前研究室電視字幕的研究情況,根據(jù)當前的研究現(xiàn)狀提出了研究一套新電視字幕播出系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)選用Matrox SD100板卡為字幕疊加卡。接著對系統(tǒng)的需求分析和系統(tǒng)設計進行了詳細的介紹,通過需求分析和系統(tǒng)設計明確了本課題主要完成兩個模塊:字幕編輯軟件和底層字幕處理模塊。然后引入一種新的先進的現(xiàn)代軟件工程(GRAPPLE)思想到字幕編輯軟件的設計中,運用了面向對象技術的思想,采用了高級建模語言UML在設計的每個階段進行建模,對字幕編輯軟件進行了詳細的設計。接下來選擇Matrox SD100板卡,并根據(jù)Matrox公司提供的Matrox DSX.sdk開發(fā)包,設計和實現(xiàn)了底層字幕處理模塊,該模塊能夠很好地銜接上層字幕編輯軟件和Matrox SD100卡。再接下來詳細的描述了字幕編輯軟件的各個模塊的實現(xiàn),并詳細的描述了字幕編輯軟件與底層字幕處理模塊和系統(tǒng)硬盤播出工作站的銜接情況,給出了系統(tǒng)的實現(xiàn),最后是電視字幕播出系統(tǒng)在測試中遇到的問題:字幕閃爍問題,給出該問題的詳細分析,并給出高斯模糊技術的解決方案。實際應用證明采用該方法是可行的。
[Abstract]:In addition to video and audio, the television program also includes subtitles. In the process of television program creation, the special television signal generator and the processor which compose and play the subtitles are called word curtains, and the image and character signals are superimposed on the video by a character curtain machine, the purpose of which is to further illustrate the content of the television program, so that the television picture is more abundant and vivid. such as a table mark, a notice, an advertisement, a time stamp, a character dialogue, a song saying, a sheet tail performer table, etc. in the upper left corner of the television screen, which is an indispensable film and television apparatus in the modern television program. Nowadays, the television caption broadcasting system, that is, the television caption broadcasting system, can complete the basic functions, but it has not been able to satisfy the rapid development of TV programs Demand. It's already exposed. defects, such as subtitles, are broadcast separately and then superimposed on the video signal channel by means of a curtain machine; a stand-alone character screen is required and such a screen is both bulky and very expensive; superimposed subtitles cannot be edited at will during video broadcasting Change; caption system cannot play caption at regular time, can not satisfy the automation of broadcasting and television industry In view of the shortcomings of the current word curtain machine, the research laboratory considered the development of a set of subtitles and videos superimposed on the TV caption system which was broadcast by the caption superposition card, and the research laboratory martial brother attempted to develop the television caption broadcasting system by using the special subtitle superposition card Blackmagic, but the caption broadcasting effect did not On the basis of the research and analysis of the existing TV caption broadcasting system, this paper designs a new TV caption broadcasting system which adapts to the real demand, and with the hardware board The new system selects the Matrox SD100 board which is developed by Matrox, Canada, as the caption overlay card, which can realize caption and video overlay broadcasting. The software selects delphi i7 and Microsoft Visual2005 as the development platform, and combines the hard work developed by the teaching and research office. The television caption broadcasting system of the subject research can effectively solve the problems of the prior art, First of all, the thesis briefly introduces the subtitle and caption system, the development situation and the research situation of the subtitle system at home and abroad, and describes the research situation of the TV subtitle in the current research office, and puts forward a new set of research based on the current research situation. TV caption broadcasting system, the system selects Matrox SD100 This paper introduces the demand analysis and system design of the system, and makes clear the main conclusion of this project through demand analysis and system design: the subtitle editing software and the system design. Then introduce a new advanced modern software engineering (GRAPMAA) idea into the design of subtitle editing software, use the idea of object-oriented technology, use the UML to model every stage of the design, and edit the subtitle editing software. Detailed design is carried out. Next, Matrox SD100 board is selected, and the sub-caption processing module is designed and implemented according to Matrox DSX. sdk development package provided by Matrox. The module can connect the upper-layer subtitle editing software and Matr well. The implementation of each module of the subtitle editing software is described in detail, and the connection between the subtitle editing software and the bottom subtitle processing module and the system hard disk broadcasting workstation is described in detail. In this paper, the realization of the system is given, and finally, the problem of the television caption broadcasting system in the test is the caption flicker problem, the detailed analysis of the problem is given and a Gaussian model is given. Solution for paste technology. Practical application certification


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4 汪彥龍,劉金華,練益群,宋e,




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