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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-08 16:50
【摘要】:嶗山茶是我國新優(yōu)名茶之一,近幾年以其醇香的口感、豐富的營養(yǎng)成分、悠久獨(dú)特的文化等特征受到了市場的關(guān)注。嶗山茶正逐漸融入人們的生活中,市場競爭日常激烈的21世紀(jì),要想擴(kuò)大銷售額、增強(qiáng)市場影響力,就需要建設(shè)、推廣自己的品牌,F(xiàn)實(shí)情況是,嶗山茶雖然具備了一定的生產(chǎn)規(guī)模,卻由于缺少強(qiáng)大的品牌,沒有創(chuàng)造出與之對應(yīng)的產(chǎn)值。因此,走區(qū)域品牌化道路、建設(shè)品牌與推廣品牌是嶗山茶產(chǎn)業(yè)科學(xué)、健康發(fā)展的必由之路。 本課題以國內(nèi)外品牌相關(guān)理論為依據(jù),在深入挖掘嶗山茶的發(fā)展歷史、市場狀況的基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合對嶗山產(chǎn)品牌價值調(diào)查結(jié)果的統(tǒng)計(jì)分析,概括了“嶗山茶”品牌建設(shè)的現(xiàn)狀,并指出嶗山茶存在的企業(yè)小、生產(chǎn)分散,品質(zhì)良莠混雜,知名品牌缺失等問題。然后針對現(xiàn)存問題,在歸納研究成果與結(jié)論的同時,提出了嶗山茶在品牌建設(shè)時應(yīng)該注意其整體規(guī)劃,品牌定位要準(zhǔn)確,形象設(shè)計(jì)要創(chuàng)新;在品牌推廣時,要樹立新理念,并將廣告宣傳、促銷活動與渠道建設(shè)作為重點(diǎn)。最后,提出了促進(jìn)品牌運(yùn)營的保障性措施,即重視品牌經(jīng)營過程中的保障措施的完善,嶗山茶品牌的評估、管理與保護(hù)工作要落實(shí),,同時加強(qiáng)思想意識、人力資源、服務(wù)體系、授權(quán)機(jī)制等方面的工作。 當(dāng)前關(guān)于茶品牌的研究成果較多,但針對如嶗山茶一樣的新秀茶型較少,因此,本文關(guān)于嶗山茶的研究,具有一定的應(yīng)用價值。同時品牌建設(shè)與推廣是一項(xiàng)復(fù)雜的過程,不可能一蹴而就,各企業(yè)要根據(jù)自身情況,有計(jì)劃、有選擇的實(shí)施品牌戰(zhàn)略,直至實(shí)現(xiàn)自身目標(biāo)。
[Abstract]:Laoshan tea is one of the new famous tea in China. In recent years, the market has paid close attention to Laoshan tea because of its mellow taste, rich nutrition, long and unique culture and so on. Laoshan tea is gradually integrated into people's life. In the 21st century, when the market competition is fierce, if we want to expand the sales volume and strengthen the market influence, we need to build and promote our own brand. The reality is that Laoshan tea has a certain scale of production, but because of the lack of strong brand, it does not create the corresponding output value. Therefore, it is the only way for Laoshan tea industry to develop scientifically and healthily. Based on the related theories of domestic and foreign brands, on the basis of deeply excavating the development history and market situation of Laoshan tea, combined with the statistical analysis of the results of the brand value investigation of Laoshan tea, the paper summarizes the present situation of Laoshan tea brand construction. It is pointed out that Laoshan tea has some problems, such as small enterprises, dispersed production, mixed quality, lack of famous brands and so on. Then, in view of the existing problems, while summarizing the research results and conclusions, the paper puts forward that Laoshan tea should pay attention to its overall planning when building its brand, the brand positioning should be accurate, the image design should be innovated, and the new idea should be set up when promoting the brand. And will advertising, promotional activities and channel construction as the focus. Finally, the paper puts forward the safeguard measures to promote the brand operation, that is, to attach importance to the perfection of the safeguard measures in the process of brand management, to carry out the evaluation, management and protection of Laoshan tea brand, and to strengthen the ideology, human resources and service system. Work on authorization mechanisms, etc. At present, there are many researches on the tea brand, but there are few new tea types such as Laoshan tea. Therefore, the research on Laoshan tea in this paper has certain application value. At the same time, brand construction and promotion is a complex process, can not be achieved overnight, each enterprise should be based on their own situation, have a plan, a selective implementation of brand strategy, until the realization of their own goals.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 周玫;基于顧客忠誠的品牌競爭力評價分析[J];當(dāng)代財(cái)經(jīng);2005年09期

2 李增勇;;魅力獨(dú)特的嶗山茶文化[J];茶博覽;2006年03期

3 蔡清毅;;品牌建設(shè)理論模型研究[J];武漢理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào);2009年23期




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